Published Jan 3, 2016
135 Posts
Hello all! So I am starting my ADN program in about a week, which I will finish in summer 2017. My end goal is to be an FNP, so I was wondering if anybody knew of any ADN to FNP programs in Florida? Or should I get my BSN first, then find a BSN-FNP program? Thanks in advance!
verene, MSN
1,793 Posts
You will need a bachelor's degree in order to gain entry for a MSN/DNP program for FNP specialty. It is possible to be admitted to some MSN programs as ADN/RN with a BA/BS in another field if you have a non-nursing bachelor's degree. If you do not have another bachelor's degree or the programs you are interested in do not accept ADN +BA/BS you will need to get a BSN degree first. There are many RN-BSN bridge programs out there - most take 9 months to a year to complete and if you are currently employed as an RN your employer may offer incentives to help you attain BSN status.
1,698 Posts
Actually, in contrast to the above post, you do not need a BSN or bachelors to get into an FNP program. There are lots of ADN to FNP programs! Look into frontier university. I know a few people who jumped right into an FNP program after getting their ADN.
The BSN will open employment opportunities to you depending on region. It's my understanding that in FL ADN RNs are still able to easily find employment.
I actually currently work as a nursing assistant at a local hospital and almost every nurse on my unit still has their ADN or is currently working on their BSN. I basically guaranteed a job on my unit once I graduate, which is great! But I want to start a FNP program pretty quickly since I have an 18 month old, and be done with school once and for all lol but thank you both for your input! I will look into Fronteir!
BeachsideRN, ASN
1,722 Posts
Check UCF programs
I did not know this was an option with out a non-nursing bachelors as all the programs I have looked out require BSN or non-nursing bachelors along the way. Thanks for sharing!
To OP, after reading ICUman's post I did a little poking around and I found this list of ADN-MSN bridge programs for you to check out: RN to MSN Degree Programs by State