ADN class of 2013

Nursing Students General Students


Just wondering who's starting the awesome journey with me? I went to orientation and now its starting to feel real!!

Thanks guys..i am pretty scared...wondering if i'll be able to do it, the big change from college to "nursing school" is scary, plus i'm known to procrastinate, and have breakdowns, plus I HAVE to work while going to school, as my school is 40 minutes away, my clinicals can be up to 1.5 hours away and gas prices just are not dropping loans are going to help tremendously, and next year i'm going to try to find a nurse extern position to have better options of work hours (being able to work nights for instance) and since I am married and we are living with my parents until i graduate, i don't have children (but my 6 pets can be included as they are just as needy (8 year old rotty with hip dysplasia/arthritis and taking tons of meds isn't helping much)

so basically i'll have time, but if i don't work, we won't have the money....kind of a paradox that i'm hoping doesn't turn out for the worse...I'm just scared and rightfully so..its not going to be easy..

If i had time to join a gym i would! lol....i have a stationary bike at home, and i take Toto (my little cairn) on walks daily, thats about as much time for exercise as i have. but i hope everything works out too..

Im in the same boat. I live with my mom but I still have to work to survive. Right now Im working and my scedule is weekdays 630am-3pm that as been my work scedule since I started college back in 2009. I dont know what Im going

to do in august when I start school. hopefully I wont start clinicals until I can figure something out. :confused:

Specializes in Neuro, Geriatrics, Progressive Care.

Today was exciting for me. I guess because we actually talked about the Nursing class itself. Our instructor showed us how to register for one of our books before we buy it. We can go through and get certain stuff now and when we buy the book, we get more access. She gave us assignments/readings we will be responsible the first week of class. We did some practice conversion questions. We were fitted for our uniforms, placed our orders and put the deposit on them. And I received my last hep B shot. Thats all the excitement that I had today. Until tomorrow...

Specializes in BSN Student-Class of 2015.

Tomorrow is my new student orientation and we are suppose to be able to register for our nursing classes but according to my acceptance letter we cannot register until we turn in all the required documentation such as our phyiscal forms and immunization records, proof of , CPR card, and receipts from our uniform purchases. The orientation lady said I will still be able to register regardless. I only have my physical and immunizations complete. I'm still waiting for some financial stuff to clear up so I'm able to do all the other stuff on the checklist so I guess I will know for sure when I go tomorrow whether or not I will be able to register. I'm getting more and more excited and I'm looking forward to what comes next :).

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

I am half way through my four week semester. It's been rough, but at least it will be over soon. I had my titers done yesterday, next week physical and PPD, Tdap. CPR is done. Books ordering very soon. I want to split the burden up over the next 3 paychecks. I started my new PCA job this week, I love it. I am getting one on one skills training. I miss the OR but the pace on the Maternity floor is so much more relaxing, and there is not mandatory overtime each week. I was feeding babies in the afternoon, it was awesome.

Specializes in Neuro, Geriatrics, Progressive Care.
Tomorrow is my new student orientation and we are suppose to be able to register for our nursing classes but according to my acceptance letter we cannot register until we turn in all the required documentation such as our phyiscal forms and immunization records, proof of liability insurance, CPR card, and receipts from our uniform purchases. The orientation lady said I will still be able to register regardless. I only have my physical and immunizations complete. I'm still waiting for some financial stuff to clear up so I'm able to do all the other stuff on the checklist so I guess I will know for sure when I go tomorrow whether or not I will be able to register. I'm getting more and more excited and I'm looking forward to what comes next :).

I know the excitement is sometimes under bearable. Everything will work out for the best. You will register for your classes and will not think twice about your anxiety before hand.

CT, I did not know you started your program already! I thought you started in August like the rest of us. Congrats on your new job. Looking forward to hear what you are doing in class.

Today was actual lecture! By the most boring instructor I have ever had the chance to hear. She went over two chapters that we will be responsible for the first week of class. And you know there were students were not paying attention:confused:. Anyway I took notes and going over them later. When I finally get my books, I will rewrite my notes. That's all that happened today. Until next time....

Specializes in BSN Student-Class of 2015.

Well orientation went well. There were quite a few speakers and presentations we had to listen to. Then after all of that we went to get our student IDs and we got to register for our classes!! It took about 3 hours to get registered but I was so happy and excited when it was done. I'm officially enrolled in my nursing classes and getting more and more anxious to get started. I cannot wait for August to come :).

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

Vann, I am just taking lifespan and philosophy so ill only have nursing classes in August. My PCA training is just me. I had vital signs, accucheck, pt sitter, fall safet and restraints. I'm learning so much and since I'm a nursing student the educator is doing a little of the RN orientation, and teaching me a litttle into to nursing. My fundamentals book is one of her references. So a lot of the diagrams and quizes come from my book! Next week I'm going to med/surg, then ED then back maternity. Awake pts I just love em!!


Just wondering who's starting the awesome journey with me? I went to orientation and now its starting to feel real!!

Hello, My orientation is Aug 9, and I am so excited!! I have been waiting for 5 yrs for this, it doesnt feel real at all. I just did my background check and just waitng for registration and orientation in Aug. Good luck to all of us!!!

I start my nursing toolbox class on the 5th! One of the teachers teaches all the math we are going to have to know and how to do care plans!

I'm starting in September and I'm nervous/excited/stressed/elated/and every other emotion possible. I have been on the waiting list for about 2 years and I kind of though this day would never actually come. Now i just have to start figuring out how to pay for everything lol =/

Specializes in Neuro, Geriatrics, Progressive Care.

Today, had a conversion quiz. I make a lot of simple mistakes. I have all summer to correct them along with getting some basics in dosage calculations. I am trying to save my money so that I can get my books soon. We have the course readings for class, lab and clinical for the first week. I am excited to get started so it will not be to overwhelming. Wish me luck. Down side to this week is that today is the day for "pre-nursing" I will be back to work Saturday :crying2:. Back to reality. I have to get this book money! Until later....

Hey studentnurseCT....I know we've chatted a bit before, but I'm psyched to say I just got my acceptance letter to start this Fall in Goodwin's nursing program.

I'm PSYCHED!...and relieved! Now I just need to get through the next 7 weeks of this semester!

Congrats to everyone starting in the fall!

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