Published Apr 6, 2008
133 Posts
Can anyone tell me what an LPN admissions coordinator does at a LTC? I just applied for one , but am curious as to what they actually do?
296 Posts
admissions coordinator is in charge of assessing patients who are in the hospital to see if they're appropriate for our facility and work with the case managers to ensure a safe transfer. good luck!
CapeCodMermaid, RN
6,092 Posts
Each facility has their own idea of what an admissions coordinator is. In most places I've worked, the admissions coordinator hasn't been a licensed person. They usually collect any information sent over by the screener and give it to the DNS or who ever is responsible in that particular building for okaying admissions. They always blasted the medicare web site to make sure the person had medicare and if not, found out what kind of insurance they did have. They made sure the room was in order before the person came. Notified the doctor of the admission and sat with the patient and family to sign them in. At one place I worked the administrator told me she hired the admissions coordinator because he had silver hair and she thought prospective patients would like him! Perhaps that's why he was subpar at his job and is no longer with the company.
CoffeeRTC, BSN, RN
3,734 Posts
it would be nice if the Admit coordinator was a nurse. Ours is set up like Capecod. Most of these are sales based...they have to meet a quota and keep the admits coming into the building or they will be out of the building and out of a job.