Administering meds to other staff?

Specialties School


i asked this question in the pt safety forum but i need to be here.

I work as a sub nurse and wanted to know if this is true.

It was told to me by another school nurse that if a teacher or other staff member asks for meds (ex. Tylenol) we can't put it in their hand because we do not have orders and if anything happens it will be on you.

She said we can just point them in the direction of the meds and let them get it themselves

At this school we do not have to log any meds given to teachers in the computer system.

Now i do think she is wise,but some staff take more than the prescribed dose,or in some cases,the bottle goes missing.

I agree with schooldistrictnurse. These are adults capable of meeting their own needs. The staff can act like such drama queens/kings. They get mad they can't have something they want when they want it. That could be start of a whole new topic! I got paged to my office one day after school to put a bandaid on a teacher. The band aids were sitting out and it was her leg that she could reach-tiny scratch-hello!! I had one tell me she didn't have time to deal with a wet student because it was her lunch time which just happened to be during my lunch time! I had another mad because I didn't have Tylenol and she was pregnant and that's all she could take. The secretary gets griped at all the time because the candy dish is empty from people who don't help contribute. Do they think there's a special candy fund that comes out of the school bank account? If it were me I'd get rid of it. That's how it would be if I provided meds to staff. Plus there's that whole legal issue...

Nurses in my district are not permitted to dispense meds to staff. But our secretary has some things available for them.

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