Published Feb 4, 2009
49 Posts
does anyone have any tips/tricks in remembering the differences between addison's and cushings? they confuse the heck out of me. i read about them over and over, but still am having trouble.
also, any good tricks in remembering hypo/hyper electrolyes, like hyperkalemia..s/s, etc.?
any help is wonderful!
77 Posts
ADDison's - the word add, meaning you have to add something, so meaning the person is "hypo"example, hyponathremia, hypokalemia, the notes, and Cushings they are hyper already so the mngment is to decrease..that's how i remember..
in hypo/hyper, you can classify, in hypo for example, constipation, dry, it's "down" s/s for short, and Hyper, diarrhea, wet,
that's how i remember them..
101 Posts
Addisons- lacking s (steroid)
Addison's- you have to ADD something (same as korleone's) ; this condition lacks S (salt, sugar, steroid)
Cushing's- Too much S
221 Posts
thank you .its more easy for me to remember. :nuke:
38,333 Posts
Thanks for the useful tips. Good luck to the OP.
BabyCatchr, ADN, ASN, RN
146 Posts
But please note a correction to information mis-stated above: Addison's causes high potassium (hyperkalemia), not low - the opposite of the salt (Na).
kristykat, BSN, RN
94 Posts
I think of it like this:
AddisOns: "O" = HypO
Everything is hypo except for potassium: hyponatremia, hypotension, hypovolemic, hypoglycemia, and hypERkalemia
ADDisons: need to "ADD" steroid
CUshings: "U" = Up = Hyper
Everything is hyper and exactly the opposite of Addisons: hypernatremia, hypertension, hypervolemic, hyperglycemia, and hypOkalemia
CUSHings: too much "CUSHion" = too much steroid
Good tips!
25 Posts
Addisons: you have to ADD because it's lacking steroids
Cushings: you have to CUt because of too much steroids