Active nurse involvement


Why is active nursing involvement in the planning, choice, and implementation of a new computer management software important to your hospital or place of employment?

Looking for opinions!

Specializes in Emergency/Cath Lab.

Mine it is important because nurses are the one that will utilize the systems more often with pt. notes, documentation, Med admin, look up lab results. Nurses need to be able to work efficently with computers and have knowledge and understanding. Having the hospital admin chose for the whole hospital not good because there not the ones that will be utilzing it. Having input from the ones that use it benefits all. I don't want an "slow as a dinasaur" software.

I really need your help?

Anyone? Any guidance?



Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

What exactly is your assignment that you need help with? Perhaps if you would give us a few details, people could help you.

I think we all agree that end-user nursing involvement is necessary for all the reasons you stated above.

Specializes in Med/Surg Nurse, Homecare, Visiting Nurse.

I am actively involved in the implementation of my hospital transfer to an EMR system. I became a credentialed trainer for the ClinDoc Inpatient application and right now we are training endusers the system. Do you still have questions?

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