Active Duty Navy Direct Accession FY 2017

Specialties Government


Greetings! I am a RN with about 1 years medsurg experience looking to apply for FY 2017 to the Navy for direct accession. Anyone else out there working on their packet or that have already submitted it? Please feel free share your experiences thus far, desired duty stations and any valuable info. Thanks!

Not yet. I'm assuming sometime in May I'll get it. They kinda just told me it's a waiting game at this point. Have you?

Posting a little late but applied in November and got put on the alternates list. Got called up in April. My recruiter hasn't told me when I'm going to ODS but I'm hoping it's in August with the rest of you guys. Has anybody gotten their letter yet?

Inhayes, did your recruiter get your selection letter or was it sent to you personally?

Haven't actually gotten a letter yet. This has all been done over the phone. I don't think I'll get a letter until the scroll is signed.

I got my selection from the navy in February. Your recruiting office should have yours. They sent me mine 10 days after the unofficial phone congrats.

Thanks! It's been more than ten days now since my phone call but I was told I wouldn't get my official orders until pay was approved which is supposed to happen around the 22.

How long did it take the scroll to get signed for you?

Sorry for getting back to you late we have been busy with my husband graduating from nursing school. Every thing has happened in a non-traditional order for me or at least I don't know of anyone else who received their paperwork in the order I have. In February I got my official acceptance letter from the Navy. Then, 5/7 my scroll came in! YAY! It took 3 months. On 5/11 the nursing detailer called to say my orders are being processed. YAY! My recruiter said we are currently waiting on my commissioning paper work and I should commission by the end of the month. I am currently working on setting up my direct deposit and reviewing all the paper work they sent me. ODS is still on the schedule for August. Have you had any other news?

All I have heard was I'm waiting for the scroll to be signed and once the pay grade is approved I'll get my official orders. I was told I'll also be going to ods in August but I'm nervous that there is still so much left to do

All I have heard was I'm waiting for the scroll to be signed and once the pay grade is approved I'll get my official orders. I was told I'll also be going to ods in August but I'm nervous that there is still so much left to do

I'm worried about the same thing! I have verbal orders to ODS and follow on orders to my first duty station but haven't gotten my official paperwork or even taken my oath of office. I hope this all comes through in time for August í ¾í´ží ¼í¿¼

I'm worried too. At least you guys are farther ahead than me. I still haven't received my letter and I haven't received any verbal orders for me to go to ODS at all. Hopefully it'll come soon.

Any word yet Inhayes? I took my oath today. Finally just waiting on my orders. Hope to meet you all at the August ODS class!

So I'm still waiting to scroll but I have gotten my active duty station location and my anticipated ODS start date in August. Anyone know the start date and anticipated graduation dates for the August ODS class? It used to be on their website but now its the ODS fy2019 dates...

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