ACLS & PALS in The Bay Area


I just wanted to warn any Nurses in the bay area looking to take ACLS & PALS. I took both through someone who lied about being associated with the American Heart Association. My Certifications were useless and I paid $550 for both!! The worst part is he was recommended by my hospitals Human Resource Department!! I have retaken both classes through the San Francisco Paramedics Association and highly recommend those classes! If you go to the American Heart Associations website ( they have a list of classes in your area.

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.


I hope you turned him in to HR. Glad you got that straightened out, NervousRN.

Specializes in ER, ICU cath lab, remote med.

If HR recommended him...maybe HR should reimburse you??? I'd be pitching a fit!

I would recommend Project Heartbeat's classes for ACLS, PALS, BLS certification in the Bay Area. They are AHA certified, and most of their classes are taught by nurses and geared specifically towards nursing. Their website:

Heartshare in San Jose very reputable

Heartshare in San Jose very reputable

I second the recommendation for Heartshare Training in San Jose. I took ACLS, PALS, and BLS through them. Very good instructors and classes. We even had a student travel up from the LA area to attend class there.

Anyone recommend Always Safe and Healthy for ACLS?

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