Updated: Sep 5, 2023 Published Aug 1, 2023
5 Posts
Please no lectures, I know I made a careless mistake.
I'm in a recovery and monitoring program with UDS randomly 1-2x a week. I made a stupid mistake and filled what looked like a clean water bottle up with water and when I took a sip, I tasted red wine. The bottle was clear and was clearly rinsed. This was Saturday 7/30 in the morning and I took an option 1 today 8/1.
Does option 1 screen for etg? I am freaking out. I shouldn't have refilled a water bottle that wasn't mine. I truly am not trying to cheat the system
Any help would be appreciated
an idiot
Bugsandlola22, BSN
18 Posts
No judgement here AT ALL. I'm so sorry you're going through this stress, I've been there myself.
In my state an option 1 UDS does test for ETG. Do you remember how much the test costs? That can usually help determine what they're testing for.
If you just filled an empty water bottle that contained red wine in it you should be more than fine. I've passed ETG UDS after much worse cross contaminations (OBVIOUSLY accidental, I was freaking out probably just as much as you are right now).
Try not to worry. Sending you love and hugs. Hang in there ?? ?
The test cost $42. I'm in CT
Then yes, I can confidently say that is an ETG test. Not expensive enough to be much else
Ah yes, I used to live in CT so I'm familiar with HAVEN. They still call it HAVEN?
Okay. As I've been scouring the internet, a few old posts suggested that an option 1 just tested for ethanol plus the normal drugs
and yes, good ole Haven
If I were a betting man I'd put my money on you being OK. You haven't had a drink in awhile I take it, yeah? So your senses were probably much more sensitive to the lingering wine in the empty water bottle.
However, just to cover the bases, if for some reason you have an issue I suggest you fight it and offer to take the pETH blood test.
Yes, you WILL have to pay out of pocket for this test - but in a case of cross-contamination like this it WILL be worth it since you WILL pass. Better to pay the 80$ to prove your innocence than go through starting over? I had an issue with this in the past and as annoying as it was it did clear me.
Really wishing tou all the best
Thank you for your kind reassurance, I might be able to sleep tonight LOL. I hope I don't have to go that route, but I will if I have to. I haven't drank in 6 months
where in ct we're you from? I'm from Bridgeport originally but now I'm outside of New Haven
I hope you don't have to take that route either and don't think you will-- however, if you do, please don't hesitate to reach out.. Like I said I've been there, done that, and got the t-shirt. ?
SAME, BRIDGEPORT!! Oh this is such a small world haha.
So many wonderful memories driving up 95-N with my kids towards New Haven where they have those taco trucks.
Really hoping they're still there-- Go treat yourself to some tacos once you see you're in the clear!
Quickstepper, MSN, RN
97 Posts
This is not meant to be judgemental, but if for any reason you pop positive for ETOH, your story probably won't fly. The red flags are there... unfortunately there are very few viable excuses for accidental ETOH ingestion. Hopefully you won't have a positive test, but think carefully about your response when asked how it happened.
158 Posts
That's 48 hours after you drank from the contaminated water bottle that you took a urine etg test? You're fine. People have drank 1-2 full alcoholic drinks and have tested below the 100ng cutoff for etg after 48-50 hours. (Not that you should do that, but giving you a perspective).