Accepted to CSU Stan for fall 2011?


Just wanted to shout out to anyone starting at CSU Stan this fall 2011. Would be nice to meet those attending with me next semester. If so where are you driving from, and anyone wanna car-pool?

Hi, Im not a grad yet, but I just wanted to congratulate you for getting accepted into the program. May I ask you what school are you coming from? I am attending Merced College. I am having such a hard time passing chem 2a so I cannot even think about taking the chem 4b required for stan state.

Hi, Im not a grad yet, but I just wanted to congratulate you for getting accepted into the program. May I ask you what school are you coming from? I am attending Merced College. I am having such a hard time passing chem 2a so I cannot even think about taking the chem 4b required for stan state.

Hi! I am attending Merced College, at least for one more week anyway untill finals are over. I didn't know that Stan State required Chem4b for its nursing program, unless the requirements have changed, I had to take 2a and 2b. I thought that the classes were interesting and I found so many of the chem 2a labs to be similar to the Physio labs, it made taking Physio a bit easier. I remember Chem 2a being heavy on the mathematics compared to 2b. The dimensional analysis they teach in that class will be very helpfull.

Im sorry, it is 2b. Its my second time taking it and I still did not pass it this semester!

Hi FutureNurse, I will be attending with you in Fall 2011 :yelclap:. I recently met three other students via another thread who will be attending next semester as well, and we met in person for the first time yesterday. We met at Starbucks and it just so happened that we sat next to three other 2nd semester nursing students who were studying for finals. They gave us lots of great adivce. Send me an email if you like, and I will send you the names and emails of the other students I've met so far. We're planning on getting together a couple more times to get to know one another a little better before the semester starts. My name is Jennifer and my email is [email protected]

Im sorry, it is 2b. Its my second time taking it and I still did not pass it this semester!

I'm sorry to hear about your trouble with chem, it is a lot of material, some say it is similar to anatomy but personally I didn't think it was that intense. Have you taken anatomy yet? that class forced me to seriously re-evaluate my study habits and try different approaches, I wanted an A so I had to try different ways to study. What worked for me was to take photographs in lab, make flashcards and quiz myself everyday. The lecture material I really didn't have to study for, as somehow I would absorb it by just reading the material. My chem 2b class included a lot of online homework which was a great study tool for me. Next semester try going over your online homework again before exams, mabye that will help.

Hey I also have been accepted for CSU stan's fall 2011... I have know of three other people in my BioChem class who are also accepted into the program. I'm excited to start next semester. Are any of you taking Microbiology during the summer?

Hi, i was just wondering what were your guys statistics for getting into the program? i am currently completing my pre reqs and hope to apply next fall but i also took the ati once and got 64 and i am soo devastated. i am worried about taking it again and failing. i want to attend CSU Stanialaus for the Nursing.

BTW: for the ATI i really didn't take it seriously and didn't study at all and i got a 64, now i am studying but anyone have any advice?


Specializes in Peds, Med-Surg, Disaster Nsg, Parish Nsg.

Moved to CA Nursing Programs Discussion forum for more responses.

i have applied for spring 2012 and i am nervously waiting to hear from them. any idea how the scores were to get in or alternates that got in. any info would help.

I just hope i get in.

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