Published Apr 24, 2009
8 Posts
I am currently a practicing Chiropractor with the aspirations of becoming a Nurse Anesthetist. I recently received admissions to KU School of Nursing. Aside from loans I do not qualify for financial aid. Unfortunately, I have loans under my name for myself and my husband and as a result I have a tremendous amount of debt. Therefore I have applied to Research College of Nursing Accelerated BSN Program, in order to work my nursing school loans off through a loan forgiveness program associated with this school. This sounds like the perfect solution. :cry:HOWEVER, I am afraid my grades will suffer due to the accelerated pace, and lower my odds of being admitted into a CRNA Program. I currently have a cum. GPA of 3.6. I am married with a 5 year old daughter. Can someone please give me input on what their grades were like in an accelerated BSN program, 18 months.
Purple_Scrubs, BSN, RN
1 Article; 1,978 Posts
I did a 15 month accelerated BSN program, and I had mostly A's (my only B's were in Med Surg I and II, and Maternity). It can be done, it just takes lots of hard work and you will need your family's support for sure. It is easier to sacrifice when you realize it is only for a short time. But, you should not sacrifice everything for it. I always had one day per weekend that I did NOTHING related to school, even if I had a major exam coming up. I also had one night per week that was a date night for hubby and me (but we don't have kids, so you might want to do family night?) It helps keep balance and keep you remembering what all this hard work is for! Good luck!
labcat01, BSN, RN
629 Posts
It can be done, it just takes lots of hard work and you will need your family's support for sure. It is easier to sacrifice when you realize it is only for a short time. But, you should not sacrifice everything for it.
Ditto! I graduated from my 18 month program with a 3.9- I had a two year old and I was pregnant for 8 out of the 10 months. I'm not bragging - that's just how it happened for me. The one thing I did not do was work in addition to school. I don't know if you can get away with that in this economy but it helps tremendously if you can avoid it during the first part of your program.
Nursing school is tough- really tough! Just work hard and stay humble and you will be fine. Good luck!
Hello Purple scrubs and Labcat01. I want to thank both of you for your insight. I truly appreciate it. What do you beleive the average cummulative GPAs were for your graduating classes?
What were your majors prior to going into the programs? I usually take a significant amount of time to study. I do well with my grades, but for me they are hard earned.
101 Posts
In my accelerated program a 93 is an A and an 84 is a B. My grades did go down to a B average (started with a 3.86). It was the same for many of my classmates. Very intense. I would go the traditional route if I had it to do it over. Make sure and check the grade scale for you school.
Helloe OZ2
Thank you for your response. I spoke to someone else that is attending the traditional program at the school that is offering the accelerated program. She said that she has extremely limited time in the traditional program. She stated that those in the accelerated program are having a difficult time. I can gladly say that I have now made my decision. I will go the traditional route at a different school. mY CURRENT JOB IS VERY HIGH STRESS. Don't want to enter into another stressful situation. Besides this will allow me to work part time while in school.
KU here I come!!!!!!!:)