On vacation but thinking about work...

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Specializes in CCU, Geriatrics, Critical Care, Tele.
On vacation but thinking about work...

Have you been on vacation lately? Did you find yourself thinking of work or your career? Do you miss your patients or coworkers?

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Specializes in Pedi.

I've had dreams about patients of mine (in Boston) when I was in AFRICA!

Student and working means always thinking about my career... Also, I can't wait to have money for a vacation again one day ;)

Specializes in Ambulatory Surgery, Ophthalmology, Tele.

I think this is one my favorites so far Brian. :up: :)

Yes...money and TIME! Also, I wish I had any friends left to vacate with, for that time. :D

That's funny! I think most of us get too attached with our jobs that we tend to think about it even when we have a vacation. When I'm on vacation, I usually think about how my patients are doing.

I just came back from vacation at the Bahamas and I have to say I was guilty about thinking of work. I left on a Thursday and got called by another hospital to set up an interview on the same day...then I spent the whole trip thinking about work, ughh.

I just got back from vacation, I went to visit family in Myrtle Beach. I was staying with my aunt, counsin and my cousin's kids. I got to my aunt's house and all I wanted to do was go jump in the pool, before i could even set down my bag my cousin's 4 year old daughter was asking me to play "nurse" with her. So much for escaping work on vacation.

I guess thats a good way of knowing you picked the right career!! : )

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