AA's in Flight Nursing...

Specialties Flight


If you are an African American Flight Nurse. I would truly appreciate a reply. It's hard to believe I cannot locate ONE !! Are there any ?

Excluding members of the armed forces.

I have not been able to locate any AA's in this field. Female or male !

I've only noted 1 (ONE) AA in Flight Services,tho' he is a Paramedic.

I would really appreciate a response from someone regarding this issue.

You might check the Flight Nursing Forum if you don't get responses here. Good luck!

It took THIS long to reply. There STILL aren't ANY. The very few I spoke to. State there are always "excuses" why they are not hired.Regardless of their qualifications. Whereas they (2) . Have watched as less qualified "white" nurses are hired. They just didn't feel it was "worth it". Because, if you press the issue and they hire you. You have to watch your back too much. Because there will be an excuse to fire you. Then will follow that " ALL", AA's "can't do the job". Their lives/family were more important. State that if they were younger and single, "maybe". But the stress isn't worth it right now.BTW, this is in the "south".

Specializes in Critical care, tele, Medical-Surgical.

We had a critical care transport nurse do per diem in out ICU for nearly two years. On her other job helicopter transport was part of the job. She left us because one job was enough. I'm not sure that would be considered flight nursing. She had one nine year old. She is AA. This is Los Angeles.

Many years ago a full time RN was in the National Guard. One weekend a month he either trained or did flight rescue.

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

moved to our flight nursing and surface transport nursing forum from nursing activism

just like the crna profession has few african american crna's, flight nursing is not an area that many have chosen. diversity crna was developed by wallena m. gould, crna, msn to mentor and support those considering nurse anesthesia. same thing could be done for flight nursing.

astna | air and surface transport nurses association is a good place to get info...see http://www.astna.org/faq.html for listing employers, flight programs and open positions.

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