A sign of the times


Is it my imagination or have things gotten really bad out there for nurses. I was just made a DNR from hospital I worked at frequently with no complaints because I had a patient who repeatedly told me she was going to track me down and kill me. I was stuck with her for 6 hours listening to that. Her family even came in and told me she is a "scarey, violent" person.

I wanted to file an incident report regarding her behavior and hospital security and house supervisor both said I was over reacting and they did not want to do it.

When I worked there the next day head of security came to me and said that since I complained to so many people (security and house super) that he had to file "a damn report now"

Next thing I know I am made a DNR according to my agency, but when agency asked hospital why, they are not forthcoming with any reason.

Am also finding that administration at hospitals I work "travel" at is very hostile to the travel nurses. Usually staff is okay, it's the management that is hostile. Go figure.

Specializes in Accident and Emergency, Tutor & Assessor.

Sorry to hear this but it does seem typical. I have worked for an agency and now on the hospital bank of nurses. I work mainly in the A&E Departments. A drug error was made by six staff before it was noticed. We were following the wrong pathway for librium detox - no harm done but it has kicked off a huge investigation. As I was on the bank I have been told not to return, but the permanent staff who work there, who make same mistake are all still working and administering meds! The situation is so unfair. I have decided to leave nursing now and go back to teaching and assessing because I am so upset by this situation. I am fed up with nursing, and the way you have to watch your back every step of the way. I mean, it's not as if I have done anything really bad - I didn't steal or abuse anyone! But the investigation process makes you feel like a criminal. Also, I have seen so many mistakes made, that are covered up, but I just seem to be unlucky in that I make an error and get hung up for it. On the actual day I did report it and ask about incident forms, etc, but was told not to worry. The permanent staff nurse asked a doctor about it and was told no harm done, just carry on. It would have been fine, but the following staff made the same mistake so it has become huge!!

I just think you are too vulnerable in agency or bank nursing positions. If you make an error it is so easy to just get rid of you but if you were one of the permanent staff I feel you would be supported and helped to make necessary changes to your practice.

Hope you finally find something that you are happy in, and feel supported and safe in your job!

Specializes in being a Credible Source.
I just think you are too vulnerable in agency or bank nursing positions. If you make an error it is so easy to just get rid of you but if you were one of the permanent staff I feel you would be supported and helped to make necessary changes to your practice.
In some places, perhaps. As an at-will employee, though, it's still very easy for them to get rid of you and claim, "See, we're addressing the problem."

Termination for cause can be difficult; simple termination without cause is as easy as saying, "Please don't come back... here's your check" -- no reason needed.

Specializes in LTC.

Hospitals use DNR for do not return in reference to agency staff

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