A little setback


Specializes in Public Health, TB.

I've been using an app on my smart phone to train for a 10k and been progressing slowly, up until last week. I think I have bursitis in my hip. I tried just cutting back on distance and frequency, but its still not happy. Now using some OTC NSAIDs daily and starting some daily stretches. Luckily, bicycling is not painful, and actually seems to help. 

I have had various episodes of repetitive stress injuries so I feel like this is not something that I need to see a provider for. I am frustrated in that I feel like the exercise has been good for my weight and psyche. 

Do you ever mix up your exercise?  I can’t run more than a couple days a week anymore.  My knees and hips don’t like it. I mix it up with biking, weight lifting, elliptical, and kickboxing.  They keep my stamina up so I still get my distance when I do run.  I know mine is my age.  

Exercise is my sanity saver!!  I honestly couldn’t work my unit without it.  

Specializes in Public Health, TB.
5 hours ago, LovingLife123 said:

Do you ever mix up your exercise?  I can’t run more than a couple days a week anymore.  My knees and hips don’t like it. I mix it up with biking, weight lifting, elliptical, and kickboxing.  They keep my stamina up so I still get my distance when I do run.  I know mine is my age.  

Exercise is my sanity saver!!  I honestly couldn’t work my unit without it.  

I try to bicycle on the days I don't run. With the days getting shorter there is little time to bike before or after work.  I don't feel comfortable at the gym due to infection risk, so I canceled my membership. I do some resistance training with elastic bands, but I miss that sustained exercise and just plain working up a sweat. I suppose I will have to see a provider and perhaps get a PT referral. Getting older is for the birds. Old birds. 

41 minutes ago, nursej22 said:

I try to bicycle on the days I don't run. With the days getting shorter there is little time to bike before or after work.  I don't feel comfortable at the gym due to infection risk, so I canceled my membership. I do some resistance training with elastic bands, but I miss that sustained exercise and just plain working up a sweat. I suppose I will have to see a provider and perhaps get a PT referral. Getting older is for the birds. Old birds. 

Getting older is for the birds.  My gyms are actually very clean.  Constantly being cleaned.  Kickboxing has distancing between each station.  And planet fitness gives us our own cleaning products with distancing between each machine and mask wearing when you aren’t on the equipment.  I completely sanitize my equipment before and after getting on. Just food for thought.  

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