Published Oct 17, 2013
425 Posts
This is a Call to all Nurses. A call for self respect. A call to urge tenaciousness, always. Question all management people and their agendas. Don't just accept stupid techniques for patient satisfaction scores. The pigs at the top don't care about your patient. The CEO, COO, whomever are money grubbing pigs. We, The Nurse need to start taking back our vocation, and keep it a vocation of integrity. Nurses are the most Trusted Professionals in society. If we continue down this Hotel Model/ make money for the corporate pigs path, our reputation will drop into the abyss...if WE don't care, then we have no one to blame. Some of us have been around long enough to look at the present landscape and call it what it is. I have no easy answers, but real progress doesn't come easy.
roser13, ASN, RN
6,504 Posts
My personal philosophy has always been that if I really want to lodge a complaint about a situation or effect a change, I won't allow myself to do that until I have a relevant solution or suggestion to offer. It's usually quite ineffective to just complain without a plan for change.
And I try to refrain from calling anyone names - that's never a good way to start a movement. Citing individuals as 'pigs' will not further your Call to Nurses, whatever your goal.
Point taken. That IS The issue I believe. It has gotten to the point of "where do we begin?" So maybe if all I do is get people to think about it, or to continue to think about it, then I have done more than keep it to myself.
And I am not afraid to call it what it is. We've almost rendered the English language useless in an effort to pander to the weak and ignorant.
HouTx, BSN, MSN, EdD
9,051 Posts
Whenever the "C Suite" (CEO, CFO, etc) make decisions without involving staff or at least ensuring that everyone is fully informed, it causes an enormous backlash...... the OP's rant is actually mild, compared to some that I have heard.
The whole "patient satisfaction" push has been triggered by HCAHPS ( Hospital Patients? Survey Data ) A hospital's HCAHPS score will have an impact on reimbursement. Good scores will be rewarded & bad scores will suffer penalties. So, the C Suite is desperately trying to improve their scores. The more distant they are from actual worker-bees, the more misguided they are. Ludicrous initiatives (expensive 'charm school' consultants rather than more staff) just make things worse. Reminds me of the old Dilbert directive "The Beatings Will Stop When Morale Improves".
Yep - bad leadership --> unhappy employees. Never fails.