A & P II final lab practical TOMORROW...


Specializes in Burn/Trauma PCU.

it's tomorrow - gah! i've done pretty well on my other exams and the one other practical, but i feel like nothing is sinking in right now as i'm studying. it doesn't help that i am tired and it's gorgeous outside today (sunny, low 70's, a little breezy). i wish i could go outside and study but i absolutely need my computer and i don't have a laptop :crying2:

well, i'm just whining. i'm just hoping to hold on to my a - how's everyone else doing in their classes? after tomorrow, my final isn't until the 14th, and no classes until then, so i have a week & a half to review.

it's tomorrow - gah! i've done pretty well on my other exams and the one other practical, but i feel like nothing is sinking in right now as i'm studying. it doesn't help that i am tired and it's gorgeous outside today (sunny, low 70's, a little breezy). i wish i could go outside and study but i absolutely need my computer and i don't have a laptop :crying2:

well, i'm just whining. i'm just hoping to hold on to my a - how's everyone else doing in their classes? after tomorrow, my final isn't until the 14th, and no classes until then, so i have a week & a half to review.

holding an a. final is tues....i need a 81. final is 25% of the entire course.

he also gives us test 4 on tues. i can drop the test if i don't do well.

he's been such a jerk. can't wait to get out of that class. good luck, you will do just fine tomorrow.

Specializes in Operating Room.

Stay determined, and focused!

You can do it!!!!!!! Good luck to you both!

I have my lab practical on Tuesday, a test on two chapters on Thursday and my final is on the 13. Im so close to burn out in this class. I have an A but this last lab practical is killer and could make or break my A. I just can't wait for this next week to be over. Good luck to you all. Semester is almost over.


Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.

Hang in there because you can and WILL do it.

I too am hanging to my A for dear life. :chuckle

I have my exam next Thurs, final lab practical Sat. Then the final exam the following Thurs for A&P 2.

Finals for life span is and term paper are around the corner too.

Unlike you, I have no desire to be outside as it is freezing. Plus, just to think of shoveling the snow kills it. :rotfl:

Good luck :)

My lab practical is tonight too. It's almost over!

I found out last week that I'm makng a 106 in the course and only have to make a 58 to keep an A in the class! She said even if I skipped the final and stayed home, I'd still make a C. I was so glad to hear that as I've busted my tail in this course and completed all bonus work she handed out. I think I'll do well on the test, because I feel I really know the material. Besides, I need the break to work on a paper I have been procrastinating on for Ethics. Blech...philosophers are unbearable...

Specializes in Burn/Trauma PCU.

thanks y'all!

i think i did okay. 40 "stations" with 2 questions each; five of the students had a little "star" at the top of their scantrons, meaning at the end of the exam, they could ask the answer to any one question they wanted (so we all could get that one right). so i know i got at least 5 out of 80 points correct :rolleyes:

the questions i knew, i really knew... and the ones i didn't know, i was completely lost - looked like foreign material to me. but, i think i did okay. i realized too late that i didn't study my embryonic stages too well, but there were only 2-3 questions on that anyway.

my written final is next wednesday the 14th - i'm taking tonight off to rest, then back to the books to study! whew!

good luck to everyone on their finals. we can do eet! :p

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