A&P course


Hi everyone

I'm taking A&P1 right now. My instructor is famous for her teaching methods and she is really good at what she does.

However, when I checked her PowerPoints with the textbook I noticed that there are many parts of the textbook that she doesn't teach and we are not supposed to study them. When I asked her about it she said this book is for all levels and for college level you do not need all these information. Now my concern is the imports of Anatomy and physiology course when we enter the program.

My question is:

Did you study all the text book word by word?

Did your professors teach all the material?

Specializes in MSICU.

Which parts are not being taught? My A&PI class did not teach the cellular level because it has a prereq of a lower Bio class that taught it. Also, there are certain systems we learn in A&PI and the others we learn in A&PII.

For example if there are 40 nerves or 50 muscles in the book we study half of them.

Specializes in MSICU.

Hmm... not too sure about nerves. We just did skeletal and had to learn all of the bones but not necessarily all the processes or foramens for example. My teacher said he teaches the particular parts that will be important when we move on to other systems. For example the foramens that nerves might travel through.

That's exactly what my instructor said

She said we will learn important things that we need for this level

Thank youAraew

My professor actually created his own textbook in order to prevent us from wasting time learning extra information that we didn't need. If your professor is well known for good things then I would trust them. My professor has gotten hundreds, if not thousands, of students through some competitive nursing programs and to pass the entrance exams (TEAS, HESI, etc.). Some things he said that we wouldn't cover at all or cover very little because he knew the nursing professors would cover it using their own methods. Other information that we did cover was needed for the following semester. :)

Thank you for your answer

Yes she is well known and she has had several awards for teaching method ( or something like that I can't remember what exactly it was) she had been a surgeon for a years and her classes gets full so quickly

You guys gave me a relief

I'm not worried anymore

It's just general bio was very hard for me and A&P is not at all! So I assumed something is wrong lol

We definitely skipped stuff - a lot of it was covered in Micro, Chem and Nutrition. My teacher highlighted exactly what she wanted us to know and said the rest we'll learn during nursing school. It's really meant to be a foundation to build on, not totally comprehensive (IMO).

Specializes in mental health / psychiatic nursing.

Go with what your professor wants you to focus on for the course. It is impossible to cover everything in a single class. MANY instructors do not teach the entirety of the text book. Often it is a reference, rather than all you need to know.

My teacher read from the PowerPoint's that read word from word in the text book. She never told us what we should study or what would be on the test, so we basically just had to study everything and hope for the best.

I do not recommend this. You will forget things more quickly with all that fluff, and I believe you should just focus on the main points but still have a general overview of what's being taught.

Thanks everyone

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