Published Jul 31, 2006
33 Posts
I really need some serious advice here, i am a cna who has been thinking about going to school. I had a planned pregnancy in 2004 the baby came in JUly 2005 and my plan was to go to school in 2006 for my lpn, when the baby was at least 1 yr old so that i wouldnt feel so bad taking her to a daycare as by then she wouldnt be such an infant.The programme i was planning to attend is a full time programme 5 days a week from 8 to 3.30 for one year.They take in students three times a year, feb, June and oct.Now my plan was to attend the June programme.But before i went to register, i had already found out their preqs and done them already, i wasnt feeling well that was in may. I went to hospital only to discover that i was again pregnant, i was really surprised as i had taken precautions but i think its just Gods plan to give me another blessing. Anyway my question is this should i go for the oct programme or Feb of next year, but am expecting the baby around 21st of Jan, the Feb prog, begins early Feb the baby probably wont be even 3wks old.Another option is a part time programme for lpn that is 21 months long and take pple twice a year thats in april and september that way i can still work and go to school.and also at least by april the baby will be big enough, pliZ advice me i dont want to waste anymore time!!!!!
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,268 Posts
Wow - congrats. My first thought would be to see what RN programs are available. With two little ones going back to school might not be possible. order to maximize your school time, go for the RN straightaway. ANyway...just my thoughts.
50 Posts
First off congrats.on the pg! If it were me I'd wait till (at least) next June. Then you and baby would have time to get into your groove, and you'd have time to heal. However you might need to play it by ear, if baby is still not sleeping well in June, there is no way you'll be able to focus on class. Keep us posted on what you decide.
955 Posts
I'd have to agree with Trauma... and congratulations from me as well!
86 Posts
As a mother of three and going through school myself, my opinion is to give it a shot. Of course my girls were fairly easy to deal with when they were little up until close to age 2. If you go ahead and pursue it now then they will grow up adjusting to your schedule, which will minimize problems down the road. I feel that you will heal fairly quick since this isn't your first one, but beware of the emotional side. You will have to have someone to relieve you of baby duty from time to time. I think if you put it off you will be waiting until kindergarten to go back. Good luck and congradulations. Be sure to do what you can handle and if you can't don't feel bad. This is a tough situation for anyone. Just make a decision and don't look back...your only human.
1,569 Posts
I agree, start taking pre reqs for RN and do that--you can take them part time and still stay w/ your kids. That is what I did!
401 Posts
Congrats on your pregnancy! I also agree with Trauma. If being an RN is your ultimate goal, just go for that now. If it's not a big deal and you'll be perfectly happy with your LPN, then I'd say wait until June. Good luck to you!
Wow, thanks all for your quick replies and i of course want to be an RN in the end so i think i will also look into the option of starting to take the preqs. Again thank you all for your support it makes it all lighter.