University of Washington SoN Fall 2013

U.S.A. Washington


Anyone applying to the UW SoN for fall 2013? Anyone else FREAKING OUT about it like I am?

We gotta try to support each! I've tried talking to other friends but they don't get my stress level, or why I'm second guessing everything, the essay had nothing to do with how to care about the patient, I know we were warned, and we aren't nurses, but I am still going through it wishing I wrote this or that... I picked #3, way out of comfort zone, but now I'm not sure if that was a smart movement, but honestly none were in comfort zone, lol, I don't know anything about nursing! I just kept talking about learning new pain management techniques, and helping them cope with the life changing event, etc....ugh I hate waiting & not knowing!

My poor husband has been trying to talk me off the proverbial cliff, and I got so mad last night I just yelled that he didn't get it. I felt horrible! But you're right - unless someone has been in our shoes, they probably don't understand the stress of waiting and second-guessing.

I think all we could do is discuss what learning opportunities would come from working with the patient we chose, and how we could do our best as their nurse to offer comfort. Really, I didn't write anything much more than that.

Only 6ish weeks til we find know, no stress.... Need to take up knitting or something

Lol, only 6+ weeks to pressure or stress at all ;)

For those current nursing students, would you suggest getting your CNA or something along those lines before entering nursing school? I read a thread earlier that said UW's SON basically expects you to know how to read BP's, heart, lungs, draw blood, etc & you would be really behind if you came there not knowing. :/ if anything, it'll help me when I apply again next year ;)

I know I know, try to think "positive"... ;)

I took the CNA class at my community college, but still haven't gotten my CNA license. It was great because I learned how to take, record, and monitor vitals. I also got exposure to a variety of patients because I did my clinical rotation in a LTC and rehab facility.

Jessica... I have those same exact hobbies!!! We should start a club. lol

SaraFN... I all but blew up at my husband when I got home too. It was partly his fault. I told him I thought I did horrible and his response was "There's always community college"!!!! ugh I know he doesn't understand the stress but in the moment when I heard that I also heard "obviously you aren't smart enough for university, I don't know why you even bother". I understand he didn't mean that but my stressed brain, in the middle of "worst case scenario mode", has a tendency to hear a lot more than what was said.

I took my CNA class last fall and my card just went "active" though I have yet to receive it. If you don't "need" the card don't waste your time and the 600 bucks. You can get someone to teach you vitals, it's super easy. But if you think you would like to maybe work/volunteer at a hospital they love a CNA license. I think you have to be >60 years old to volunteer at my clinic, they're all old enough that we can't call them to help a pt in a wheelchair because the volunteer is too frail. hahaha.

I couldn't edit so I am adding on ...

I would like to reiterate. I do not think community college is bad in any way, I was more thinking about not being smart enough to go straight for the BSN versus comm coll for the ASN then eventually getting the BSN later. Ergh, this sounds bad all around doesn't it.

Lol it's ok, we know what you're trying to say :) thank you for the info! I would have to take leave to do the classes so going to look more into it, if anything I'll get it & use it while volunteering for next years application :D

Jessica S,

No, they didn't expect us to know anything as far as nursing skills go. They teach us that and some of us already had the skill but by no means did they expect us to know how to take BP, although it is a good idea you know because you eventually are tested on it rather quickly in the health assessment course.

It seems from what I've read on some of these forums that its a great way to give you experience, more patient interaction & learning what a nurse's job is really like. Who doesn't want that? Just not sure how I'm gonna work it with my military job, my hubby & kids, but where there's a will, there's a way! :)

I found a CNA license class through Kamanga? Has anyone used this school before? Do hospitals feel that a CNA license from one school is better than another school?

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