TEAS test

U.S.A. Virginia


I was just wondering...Do you get to use a calculator when you take the TEAS test?

I'm guessing it must be up to the school giving it??? I was told that we don't get to use a calculator. That would be nice though :wink2: Nrsinthefam: Can you tell me anything about science portion. I graduated from college about 5 yrs ago so it has been awhile since I have had science. I have been studying but there is SO much science to cover. Do we need to know lots of formulas like....density, speed, moles, etc. What are the Chemistry type questions covered? HELP:(

Oh, you should do fine on the science portion. I've never taken a college level science class and scored an 85%. I was really shocked when I saw that score, cause I was nervous the whole time. I had lots of questions on different elements. There were some density and speed questions. Like I said you should do fine, I think majority of the questions are on a high school level. BTW, I didn't even know I was taking a test that day and was starving cause I didn't eat breakfast...lol. Hopefully that's eased you a little bit!!!:wink2:

i just took it today- and posted a long paragraph on my experience. i do recommend the practice guide and also--importantly- the practice computer test that is optional when you buy it. on the practice test- they tell you qhat the right answer is and explain why you got it wrong or right. in fact it's just like the real test(not same questions) so when i took the real one this morning, i truly missed the answers popping up on the screen!:bugeyes:

Do you remember any of the science typr questions. I have the study guide but it covers a lot of science. Whattypes of Chem and Physics questions were there? Do I need to know all those formulas for moles, mass, density, speed, acceleration, etc..... Sorry to ask but I am soooo nervous. I take the test next Wednesday. I took the practice test yesterday and made a 71% overall, not great! I got a 66 on math and 33 on science, YIKES!!!!! Is the real thing any easier? Oh yeah where is your paragraph posted?

Specializes in Cardiac, Rehab.

I took the test over at Riverside School of Nursing on the 14th of Sept. I had the practice test as well as the study guide from ATI. On the practice test I scored an 89, the actual test was an 84. They did not let us use calculators and the math took the longest time. Thankfully I was in school back in the day when calculators were just on the horizon so I knew how to work a pencil, it just took a while.

The science part had one question about nerve control of the heart, was just hitting that in the A&P 2 class at the same time. I think I got it right but it was weird that we were just at that point in class.

For this school, you did have to register with ATI prior to coming in and taking the test since you need the ATI user account to take your actual TEAS test. I don't remember the instructions they sent me being that clear on it, but since I had bought the book and the practice test, I was good to go.

Specializes in Oncology Certified Nurse (OCN).

I took the TEAS test back in June, at Marymount U in Virginia. We weren't allowed to use a calculator - they just gave us a pencil and some scratch paper. But there really isn't a lot of calculating to do anyway, so I wouldn't worry about it too much.

I bought a copy of the review guide for the TEAS before I took the test. It's useful because it shows you how the test is structured, and how questions are formatted. The math section is pretty much HS Algebra I, logical thinking, interpreting graphs, etc. I don't remember if there were any Geometry questions at all. In fact, here's what's covered in the Math section of the TEAS (taken right off my score sheet for the exam):

- whole numbers

- fractions and decimals

- percentages

- ratio and proportion

- metric conversions

- algebraic application

- data interpretation

When you take the test, you indicate before the test starts what program you're going into. Then after the test you get two scores: the first is your percentile rank versus everyone who took the test (National); the second is your percentile rank versus everyone applying for the same program (Program). At Marymount, they said the Program score is what really mattered. The national and program scores are broken down for you to see what sections you did will on, and where you sucked (if any!).

Marymount told me that a 70th percentile (meaning you scored higher than 69 percent of the test takers) was a competitive Program score, and that 80th percentile would be excellent.

- Alex :typing

I just took the TEAS last week. I only had a few days to study prior to taking it and I did really well so I thought I would share what I did...I purchased the on-line practice exam and review guide package from ATI. The package allows you to take the practice exam twice without paying for it again so I took the practice exam first to find out what areas I needed to work on. I studied the review guide, focusing on just the areas I had trouble with on the practice exam. Then, I took the practice exam again. This approach may be a bit pricey, but I think doing well on the TEAS makes it worth the expense.

Alex, thank you for posting what MU told you regarding the TEAS scores; I was wondering what percentile is considered competitive.

Good luck to all!

I am taking the teas test next month. I really appreciate all the input from

this forum. Crossing my fingers that I pass. ;)

I was just wondering...Do you get to use a calculator when you take the TEAS test?

I took the TEAS at Glendale Community College (CA) and they did not allow us to use a calculator.

For those who got to used a calculator for ur TEAS test, where did u take it at. Any one of them happen to be in California?:)

I am absolutely terrified of this test...lol...I take the TEAS in just over a week and have been studying for 3 weeks now....when I spoke with the Director of Nursing at the school I am applying for she told me that only 40% of the test takers will actually pass this test! Now I see why...the science is brutal! I am using the ATI version 5 study guide...taken the practice test for the science twice...once before studying the science...and once after...still can't seem to get a good score on the science. All the answers are so closely related and all of the study info seems to be arranged in a very random order as far as the breakdown of each topic. Also, already found numerous typos and mismatched answers when comparing the test answers to the answer keys....Seems like this study guide was made to sound really smart when you are reading it, but could have easily been made much more simple and basic (for the science portion anyway)....anyone else freaking out about this test? Any good hints or tips for test day?

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