UTA Fall 2013

Nursing Students Texas (UTA)


I thought I would start a thread for those applying to UTA for Fall 2013; AP or on-campus. I will be applying to both and am hoping to find a job at a partnered hospital before the January 5, 2012 deadline.

Happy Easter, everyone. It's almost APRIL!! Woohoo!

Did anyone receive any kind of confirmation that your application was received?

I spoke with the head of nursing to make sure all of my documents were in. Also on my my.tcu.edu it checked off the documents that the school received like my HESI score, transcripts, and essay.

Hi Everyone, I was reading all these posts and saw there are a lot of fellow Patho folks in here. Just wanted to say HI to everyone. Anyone else already take test 3 in Patho? What did you all think? RRD5 was soooo long. :no: Oh by the way, I was just wondering, has anyone tried out that BB IM? I just found it yesterday, LOL, and I finally installed it. Hope everyone is having a great and wonderful Easter Sunday.:angrybird12:

It just said 'submitted successfully' or something like that when I submitted it. Maybe I should check with my advisor!! I never received an email, or anything. Should we?

I am studying for the 4th patho exam... working on RRD 10 right now. Our patho class started at the end of Jan. I guess you started later? Are you taking it on campus?

I too am studying for the 4th exam and assignment #10. I hope to take the test Weds. I can't believe it is almost over. I really like it.

I did receive an email after submission. Just an automated response. It was titled "Online Application Submission Confirmationclear1x1.gif


clear1x1.gif[email protected]"

I am studying for the 4th patho exam... working on RRD 10 right now. Our patho class started at the end of Jan. I guess you started later? Are you taking it on campus?

MMmm... Well I started Jan. 8th. I am taking it online, but this is the class: bookopen_li.gif 2132-NURS-3366-072-PATHOPHYSIOLOGIC-PROCESSES--2013-Spring. I am totally stressing out though... I have been studying for it all weekend. My 3rd exam is due before Monday morning at 8am. We only have a total of 4 exams and a FINAL. I am just so stressed because I am having a hard time concentrating because I was recently notified that my uncle who was like a second father to me passed away. I feel horrible since I am in Bedford, DFW area and he was down in South Tx, the Valley, and I will not be able to attend the funeral. I am going to also wanting to apply to UTA, but realistically I don't see myself getting in, I got my BA at Texas Tech and really want to go back to Tech for my BSN. But Patho is one of the required courses.... GOOD LUCK to everyone on your Exam #4.

I forgot to add to my long post....I did see that in the UTA AP that the HESI scores are due Apr 1st but that the deadline for applying is June 1st is that correct? I took the HESI for the first time on Feb. 14th and was planning to retake it Apr. 18th. I need to get them my scores if that is correct. The first time around I didn't study and it clearly shows. :drowning:

Weird. I'm taking 2132-NURS-UL-3366-600-PATHOPHYSIOLOGIC-PROCESSES--2013-Spring and we are working on RRD #10, last one!! I think our class started 1/25. I found the 3rd exam to be very reasonable. Perhaps it is because I've gotten used to her style of testing. The HESI is just pass/fail I heard. The HESI study guide and quizlet was really helpful for me.

Silverlove, are you still looking at ? I have all my eggs in UTA's basket and starting to freak out. Just started looking around for alternative BSN programs around DFW.

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