transportation once on assignment?

Specialties Travel


How do you handle transportation once you're at location? Do you drive your own car? Do you rent, or use public transportation? Does your agency help cover the cost of daily transportation?

I almost invariably commute by bicycle. But I do bring my car, its only way to see the country! Some agencies will help with a rental car, especially to places hard to drive to like Alaska and Hawaii. Just remember it is coming out of your pay one way or another. Agencies provide a one time reimbursement intended to help cover the cost of getting to and from the assignment from home. It may not cover your actual costs, but you can deduct mileage (currently 56.5 cents a mile) to and from the assignment location, as well as commute mileage from assignment housing to the assignment facility (less agency provided travel reimbursement) from your tax return. This assumes you have a legitimate tax home that you are working away from on business.

I am in the middle of an extension of my first travel contract. I flew from KY to CA. Used the city bus for getting around or walked. Had my car shipped from KY for $1200. Much be able to get up and go whenever I wanted.

I drove my Honda Civic 2500 miles from eastern NC to Phoenix, with two teenagers and a dog. The journey is more fun than the destination. :)

It was nice to have my own car while out there too, went all over the Southwest, including Vegas and San Diego, on my days off.

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