SO much anxiety I don't want to go back

Specialties Travel


It's my first travel job and I have only had 2 shifts, but I have so much anxiety I don't want to go back. My recruiter made it sound so rosy & I am miserable. I don't think that it's the assignment, I think it's just being a traveler. I don't like how I'm treated by some of the other staff and having limited orientation. I don't feel experienced enough to have a 2 day orientation. I should have done my homework, I can't make it through 12 more weeks of this.

I chose this job because I had housing here, and I could take the stipend.

Is this a normal feeling? Will it pass?

Yes, hang out here and tell potential travelers to never take a short assignment for their first ever time. Recipe for disaster as you have discovered. Yes, the original poster had an issue with a regular assignment so even that can go wrong but typically 13 week assignments have a better orientation (which is a total snore for experienced travelers).

I have been traveling for 1 1/2 years. Lucky for me, I have had good assignments. The orientation is short, but it gets easier to adjust with each assignment. I am 30 hours away from my home. I am fortunate, however, because my husband (a disabled veteran) travels with me. I don't think I could hold out if it wasn't for him. Hang in there. It will get easier.

How are things going Mary? Still bad?

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