University of Memphis vs MTSU nursing school

U.S.A. Tennessee


Hi, I just signed up for the site, but I've been reading the threads since I decided I wanted to become a nurse.

I have a few questions about MTSU and U of M nursing schools.

I currently attend MTSU as a 1st year freshman and I'm in the process of completing my gen ed and pre-nursing prereqs. I came in with a few credits, so Im on track to completing my gen ed early. I havent taken A&P I yet because I had to take a prescribed math course and I couldnt take A&P I until I completed it, so I wont get to take A&P I until spring 2014. Then I'm supposed to take A&P II in the fall 2014, then micro in spring 2015. However, after spring 2014, I will only have to take 1 more gen ed class to have all of gen ed completed( I could have them all completed in the spring, but I chose to take a class where I could do my CPR certification instead). Would it be a good idea to take A&P II and that last gen ed class in the summer? Because if I dont take A&P II in the summer, I'll have to push back my nursing application a semester and end up paying for 2 semesters of unnecessary electives in order to stay above full time. Has anyone taken A&P II in the summer, is it really bad?

But my questions are:

1) Is there an interview part of the process like there is for MTSU?

2) How many semesters is the U of M nursing program? Is it 5 like MTSUs or 4?

3) Has anyone gotten in for Spring 2014? What was your GPA and your TEAS score? if you dont mind sharing.

4)Did anyone get into MTSU for spring 2014? and what was your GPA and HESI score?

Any other general information anyone wants to give about nursing programs in Middle Tennessee, I'll be open to them. I also considered Austin Peay.

Thank you so much for the info. I appreciate it.

take ap I, II and micro at columbia state

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