Southwest Tn Community College

U.S.A. Tennessee


I just found out yesterday that I was accepted to the nursing program at SWTCC!!! I'm very excited yet scared to death at the same time. I'm looking for advice and what to expect from former students. Where did you buy your scrubs, stethoscope, and shoes??? How are the classes?:wink2:


Let's see...the fluids/electrolytes test will be the most difficult. I believe that this is the second test. There is a fluids book that you will have to buy. Go ahead and start reading it. You will be tired and completely overwhelmed if you wait until you cover it in class. It is also one of those things that you will see over and over again. You need to know the material.

The instructors will give you objectives that you need to know each semester. These will help you guide your studying. Use them. I still have access to my foundations syllabus if you want me to send it to you. They have everything broken down by topic/pages to cover/what to know. It is possible that some things have changed since I was in foundations, but it shouldnt be too much.

Most instructors will give you handouts or powerpoints. You should read the material in the book to get a general idea of everything and pick up a few morsels of info that they dont mention in lecture. It will also help you gain an overall better understanding. When it comes to studying for the tests ALWAYS use the notes. The instructors pull most test info directly from notes and lectures. (Some people find recorders helpful. I don't use one b/c I dont have time to re-listen to lecture) I have seen students use nclex review books, websites, etc that they are studying RIGHT before the test. Not effective for testing, but great for overall comprehension.

Buy a nursing care plan book AFTER you have the clinical day where they teach you how to do care plans. That way you will know what info/format you need and can look at books that will be easy to use.

Some students swear by the Straight As in Nursing series. I have one and find it helpful, but it doesnt have any info that your text doesnt have-just an easier format. You will prob find it more helpful once you get into adult health.

Not sure what they told you about vaccinations, etc. You will need a TB test, Hep B vaccination series (at least started), MMR, and a varicella titer. No one bothered to tell us about the varicella titers until the last minute. I was not happy :)

That's all I have for now. I will let you know if I think of anything else. I hope that I am just slightly helpful. I feel sorry for EVERYONE in foundations. It sucks! Let me know if you have any questions!

If you could send me a copy of your syllabus that would help me out SO much! I also start in the Fall '09 and am completely overwhelmed. I dont really know how to message on this thing. What color are the scrubs? How often do you have tests? and what hospitals are your clinicals at!? I am so excited yet scared to death about nursing school. Thank you for all the GREAT information! you have helped me out greatly. If there is anything else you wish you knew when you began, please let us know!! Let me know if you need my email address and thank you again so so so much!

Hmm...cant figure out how to PM. Whats your email?

Thank you soooo much for all of your excellent information!!! Yes, you have been very helpful. If you wouldn't mind-would you email it to me too? I can't figure how to pm either...I don't think I've posted enough...

lsprrnbr-thank you-

Thank you so so much! Isprrnbr! I am going to study up this summer before my Foundations class starts so I wont be too overwhlemed!

lsprrnbr, Just wanted to let you know that I got your email and to THANK YOU so very much!!! You have been a tremendous help!!!

Specializes in Peds, Med-Surg, Disaster Nsg, Parish Nsg.

just a friendly reminder.....

please do not post email addresses on the public site. there are so many who lurk these boards and will spam you endlessly. members will answer you on the public boards or you can relay this information via private message.

members must have 15 meaningful public board posts in order to utilize our private message (pm) system and/or sending emails from member's profiles. most of you posting on this thread are very close to attaining the 15 post mark. after that, you should be able to send pm's and emails. if you have trouble with this, feel free to contact me or post in the admin help desk.

good luck to all of you in school!

Thanks tnbutterfly


I recieved your PM. I cannot PM yet...need 3 more posts, I think. I am not sure how a PDA would be received in the clinical areas. It really depends on your instructor. Cell phones are not really allowed. I have an Iphone and I have used it before as my calculator while in clinical, but never in front of an instructor. When you start clinicals, you will have to pick up your patient info the day before at the hospital. You will have to read through the chart and get their meds and everything. A PDA would be helpful then. There would not be an issue with you having it and it would probably really help, especially when you run across words and procedures that you are clueless about.


I will address the other part of your message in a PM as soon as I can. I totally understand how you feel. It will get better.

I was thinking about buying a pda or phone with a nursing dictionary etc. on it and wanted to make sure it would be ok to use it in class. Since we will have so many textbooks, I thought it would make it a lot better to have at least one or two on a pda. I think the iphone has some nursing applications that you can purchase but I'm not sure how much they would cost. Do you like your iphone? I was looking at a blackberry or iphone but don't know enough about either one yet to make a purchase.

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