Calling all Southwest Tennessee Community College 2012 Fall Hopefuls

U.S.A. Tennessee


The deadline to apply is February 1, 2012. How many are applying? I thought I would start a thread so we can all wait together, and get to know each other. I finished my special application today and will turn it in tomorrow at the start of the spring semester. Good luck to everyone!

Thanks for sharing aaanders2020. I assume the requirements have changed: if you are applying as a second degree major with a Bachelors already, you do not have to submit ACT scores, however your last 60 hours of college course work must be a 3.0 GPA, submit two references, and a personal statement on the topics within the application. Plus the website states that they give consideration to those who have completed pre-reqs A & P I and II with labs.

I am a second degree major with a BS, I have taken and passed both A & P I and II with Labs. My GPA might be higher but I know its a 3.0 but since they ony using the last 60 hours I am not really sure. Do you think I have a chance at getting accepted?

aaanders2020 Im sorry I got the requirements info mixed up.:bugeyes: That is the requirements for Union University. What are the requirements for Baptist School of Nursing program. Do you know when the deadline is to submit applications. Thanks !!!

I got accepted to Baptist for this fall. My gpa is a 3.75. I'm transferring from Southwest. The deadline for Baptist is May 1.

Acceptance is solely based on your gpa... Finally a college has realized that to tell if a person will make a good student is to look and see if they performed well in the past... No extra gimmicks!!!

Yeah. I think if you're a transfer student you don't even have to send in your high school transcript or act score. I sent mine in just in case but I don't think it is required. You don't even have to send in recommendation letters to Baptist anymore.

I was looking at last years hopefuls for fall 2011 and they got the call on the 4th which was the first Monday of April and they were told to come and sign their acceptance packet that Friday.. Agh! lol. FINGERS CROSSED. Hopefully we get the call today.

They also said that we will get to pick our schedules out when we go to sign it but not our clinicals. We chose our clinical day at orientation.

If anyone gets a call today let everyone know!!!

Well I broke down and called and she told me I wasn't in the top 60 but on the alternate list : (

annae2012 sorry you didn't get in. What number did you call to see if you got in? What was your index score?

The admissions office ... if I did it correctly 49.53 pretty low but she did say I was on the alternate list so maybe I will get lucky

Did she say 60? I thought they were accepting 120 for this fall. And dang I've never heard about an alternate list before. I wonder how many is on that list.

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