Calling all Southwest Tennessee Community College 2012 Fall Hopefuls

U.S.A. Tennessee


The deadline to apply is February 1, 2012. How many are applying? I thought I would start a thread so we can all wait together, and get to know each other. I finished my special application today and will turn it in tomorrow at the start of the spring semester. Good luck to everyone!

Can someone throw me a ball park number as to how much school will cost? I have to borrow the entire amount with no financial aid and need to figure this out.

If you are only taking the nursing courses and no general ed classes the tuition will be about 1400, then you have your books, and uniforms/equipment, so I would say $2200 unless you can bargain shop and find the books and stuff for cheap.

Has anyone else noticed the card we received for cpr training? The website doesn't exist.

I had no problem with the cprcrew website. I was on it today paying for the class I am taking on May 31.

Has any one else signed up for CPR?

Hi everyone. I wanted to let y'all know about a lady named Kimi Meza who does CPR certifications. I originally got her information from this site. The awesome thing is that you are not in a classroom setting for hours upon hours. She does it "one on one" out of her home in Collierville and you are not at her house for more than 4 hours. Back in December 2010 when I was about to start Foundations she only charged $50. Her phone number is 901-854-6376 and it is good for 2 years. I will have to renew this coming December.

I can check CPR off my list of things to do. One step closer :)

Just happened to log on to SW web site, our books are listed. Wow, will we really use all of those? Time to start looking for the best price I can find!

Dawn I just realized we took CPR together ;). Its getting closer and closer to our first day!!!! I was told not to buy any books before orientation! I'm going to take that advice because if I spend money on anything I don't need I'm going to be slapping myself in the forehead for a loong time!!!

well all i have let to do is get my physical, which im doing this week. anyone nervous? i cant wait to get this show going, its like the summer is never going to end!!! ive decided to get my uniform later and my books. anyone else waiting? i dont want to be the only person who is unprepared i guess.

well all i have let to do is get my physical, which im doing this week. anyone nervous? i cant wait to get this show going, its like the summer is never going to end!!! ive decided to get my uniform later and my books. anyone else waiting? i dont want to be the only person who is unprepared i guess.

I get my physical tomorrow. I have priced books, and looked at uniforms, but I too am waiting. There are so many books and I don't want to purchase any I won't NEED. I am getting very excited and ready to get back I to class.

Hello everyone!!! First, I want to say is congratulations on getting accepted into nursing school. I had a quick question to ask. Im currently a Southwest student and I want to apply for the spring term, as of right now I have an A in ap2 and a B in ap1, I am taking microbiology now. I have registered for my NLN exam and my exam date is Aug 13. I wanted to know what was on the test and what should I really focus on rather than going over the whole book (I have the book that SW recommended to study out of). I made the dean's list last semester (5 classes) and I have a 3.3 gpa which I know will be higher when I actually apply. And last but least I really wanted to know if I had a good chance on getting accepted. Thanks and good luck on the path to becoming a nurse!!!!

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