TEAS V Questions

Nursing Students TEAS


Hi Everyone!

I was wondering if anyone can please tell me how much chemistry is on the TEAS? I have the ATI study guide but am curious to know if the information they provide in the book is enough for the exam or if I should look for other supplementary study guides?

Thank you for your help!!

Can you please email me the PFD

Can i have a copy please???? i take my test in 2 days and can really use it

Where do you get these books to study for the TEAS? Im looking into applying to this college. Thanks

I just took that TEAS V exam last Friday... I am really pleased with my score, I received an 86.7 (Advanced). The average score is about a 65.3.

It helps that I just finished taking Chemistry, for on my exam there were quite a few questions regarding chemical equations, the periodic table, types of bonds, etc.

I used the ATI book to study from and it gave me a pretty good basis to go on, but I also looked up alot of biology, earth science, online to be more well rounded and it was worth it.

Hi I was wondering if I could get a copy of the PDF as well?

My email is [email protected].

Thank you,


Thanks for the file MrSensitivity!!

Chemistry, chemistry, and some more chemistry. Periodic table, bonds, plants, earth science (tectonic plates, why i have no idea) how earth orbits, rocks, RNA, hydrolic cycle

, only a little of what i really studied for but ended up doing really well on it.

Hi :) I'm taking the TEAS test on Wednesday, I've taken the HESI before.. at my school you need a 70 to pass and I got a 69.8 :( I was wondering what MAIN points I should really focus on. I know reading comprehension is a breeze...Are there a lot of analogies? My weak point will definitely be math considering you can't use a calculator for the exam. What should I be focusing MAINLY with on that section? If anyone has any advice on the science section too that would be great.

The books I have are:

Nursing School Entrance Exam (Kaplan)

5 TEAS Practice Tests (McGraw-Hills)

Secrets of the TEAS V Exam Study Guide (Mometrix Media LLC)

The Complete Idiots Guide to Nursing Entrance Exam

I just download the PDF.Thank You! :yelclap:

Hi drc14

I am currently studying to take my TEAS test in November and I was wondering if you have had any successful studying with those books and if they are worth purchasing? I'm sure you have probably heard of these books but here is the URL for a website my nursing instructor told me to use to purchase the version 5 book. There are also group packages that you can purchase with example tests.

TEAS Products

Good Luck!

Got it! Thanks again. Anyone taking the test in June?

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