Nervous about Teas

Nursing Students TEAS


Hello all, I am a new member here. I decided to post about the teas, I know there are plenty of topics for me to go through; or my topic has been covered before but I don't want to go through every single page. Anywho, I am going to take my teas Nov 16th and I am nervous as heck. I recently bought the study manual from the ATI website and I am just curious if it really helps or not? If anyone bought the study manual and took the actual exam can you please let me know what you thought of it? Was it similiar? difficult? easier? etc. Thanks for reading/responding hope to hear from any of you :)

Hi, i will be testing tomorrow in the afternoon.

@ the newton campus

Hi there! Would love to stay in touch. I'm fairly new to and cannot seem to have "access" to be able to send messages to people yet or something! I'm not clear on how that works.

So, I assume you are taking the test TODAY, 10/01, come back on and let me know how you did! I take it on Tuesday at 1:00.......Feel free to email me!


The ATI Study guide is very useful; as someone said here, study absolutely every bit of it.

I would say, expect the actual exam to be harder than the Study Guide, especially in things like math problems stated in words. But I specifically wish to avoid running afoul of Admin's strictures about divulging actual questions or smth approaching that. So, as a suggestion only--when working thru such a problem, think about how you could make the problem more difficult, without changing any of the substance of the problem.

And, by the way, IMO the Study Guide does have a few errors in it.


Me 1pm...see you there.....this will be my 3rd time taking it.....and dont worry...i have passed every time so just hoping to increase my score.

Mindy - how did you do? I was happy with my score, so I feel "pretty" good about it right now. Based on your picture here, I don't recall seeing you there! Were you? Where were you sitting? :-)

Well I was sitting next to the window...second row from the back on the right side....I have platinum blonde hair on top and dark brown underneath...I made a 66 and my gpa is a 3.3 so I have a 69.3 total....what was your score?

I made a 66...and my gpa is 3.3 so my total score is 69.3......I was sitting on the right side second row from the back next to the window.......I have platinum blonde hair on top and dark brown underneath.....what were your scores? I emailed you back on the little envelope icon next to "account" and you should see my messages.

I got in!!!! omg I am so happy! Anyone that tested at the Newton campus let me know if you made it!!!!!

When you said that the practice test on the ATI website are harder should I still study it?

I would study the practice tests and the book very well.......ugh Im so glad the teas is over for me.....good luck to you!

I got a 94.7% (99th percentile for both national and program) and here is how:

I used portions (though not the whole book) from Complete Idiot's Guide to Nursing Entrance Exams, Cracking the Nursing School Entrance Exams (Princeton Review), and McGraw Hill Practice test.

I took 1 practice test from the McGraw Hill book to assess what I needed to study more. For example, I missed every single problem with fractions, so then I used one of my other 2 books to brush up on fractions.

I also think it helped me that I just finished A&P over the summer and am currently taking microbio and chemistry--so all that science info was nice and fresh in my brain. I could just skim the info in my books and it would remind me of what I needed to do.

General tips (which others on this site have already emphasized, but I will do it again):

*Make sure you get a good night's sleep before the test. At least for me, being well-rested serves me better than last minute cramming.

*Relax and keep your cool when taking the test. If you find you are feeling panicked or not really reading the questions, breath and slow down!

*Take your time. You don’t get bonus points for finishing early. Make sure you read the questions carefully. The exception to this rule is if you tend to run out of time. You still need to read carefully, but don’t agonize. Pick your best answer and move on.

*If you have time at the end, go back through your questions. You can go back through them all or perhaps jot down some as you’re taking the test that you’re not sure about. Then you can go back through and take a second look.

*If you have time, check your math problems using the answer you chose. Just plug your answer in and see if it works!

*If you have absolutely no idea, don’t agonize—make your best guess and move on. It’s unlikely you’re magically going to know the answer by sitting there staring at the question and you don’t want to run out of time causing you to miss questions you could have gotten right!

*Accept that there are things you may just have to take a hit on. For me, I knew math was the portion I needed to devote the most study time to. This meant I didn’t get to review some other things, such as writing styles. Maybe I missed the 2 or 3 questions about writing styles, but I did MUCH better on the math, overall.

Good luck to everyone! I did read where others who did well on the test posted their advice and I’d say they are spot on!

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