flu shot frenzy

Specialties Public/Community


Is everyone experiencing this? I am new to public health. I cannot believe how many calls we are getting about the flu shot, and how panicked people get if they think they might miss out.

I got my shot this morning. They are REALLY encouraging people get the flu shot this year in order to distinguish the flu from SARS. After the toll that took people seem very willing to get their flu shots!

I have a little less than one hundred doses on hand. The clerical staff has a list with 150 people that want shots. I dont think its fair to give it to some and not to others, but they are pressuring me. What do you think?

Originally posted by kcrnsue

I have a little less than one hundred doses on hand. The clerical staff has a list with 150 people that want shots. I dont think its fair to give it to some and not to others, but they are pressuring me. What do you think?

Are you getting more vaccine in? You may want to see if anyone is high risk if you have to decide who gets it. If you are still waiting on more vaccine to come in, wait until you get enough. Stand your ground with the clerical staff. It's a hard call to make, good luck!

Originally posted by featherzRN

I gave 400 flu shots today, just me alone. the other nurse probably gave 300 or so. OW my aching fingers. :)


Been there, done that! I guess that's why I want to get this over with!

I have been giving flu shots at the mall on weekends through a private company and have a question - what are the rules as far as privacy goes? We have a sign-up sheet, and not until a patient pointed it out did I realize this may be in violation of privacy laws. I was never told about this by my employer. Also, we don't give any paperwork to the patient, unless they ask for a reciept. Is this weird, or is it just me?

I think that you should be giving out the vacine information sheet. Also, your sign up sheet probably should not be visible to everyone if you are going to be in compliance with privacy laws.

On another note, I am getting the rest of my vaccine today! I had to reschedule a bunch of clinics, and then the paper got it wrong, so they are showing up today instead of monday!

This is off the tract, but i want to know the sze of needle being used. Most of the nurses where I work prefer to use 1" for deltoid IMs but have a supervisor who insisrs that 1 + a half " is the only proper size for average adults. And that Immunization might not be effective with an inch needle

I use a 1" needle. 1 1/2" for people with a little extra flesh.

Well, as it turned out it seems the people had a reason to be panicked! I have personally given over 800 shots in the past month. That is pretty good for our little community. The reports that are coming from the cdc dont look too good either. Hope you are all doing well and keeping yourselves and others flu-free!

It's been a crazy week! Lots of phone calls about flu shots and we are out of vaccine! Of course there is no money to buy more, that is the way it is in the world of public health!!!

I'm going on vacation next week and I need the break! :)

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