Spring 2018 Nassau Community college nursing program

Nursing Students School Programs


Whom else is applying for this Spring? How apprehensive do YOU feel about it? How are your stats?

Hey was your score when you applied last semester Tracec29?

I never received an email either so I'm assuming i wasn't accepted this time around. I'm currently talking ap2 and ethics now, which probably lessened my chances but once those classes are finished I'm done with all the required courses, only nursing classes left. I'm sure with my gpa and teas scores I'll have no issue getting in next time

nothing yet they said they sending out letters today

I got in yaaayyyy my email came in on friday 11/17 but I didn't see it until just now my stats are 9/10 classes 122.5 points with all sciences done 3.95 gpa and TEAS 76= 20 points. My interview date is 12/14. I did all my classes at NCC and I'm not a Nassau resident.

I got in tooo yaayyyy and congratulations my date is 12/14

Congratulation guys....I got in!!!!! I will see you guys on Thursday. We made it this far guysnow let us be great Nurses....I hope there are a few cute guys in class...need an eye candy now.

Hey, congrats! I haven't heard anything back. Did you receive an email today, call or go in person?

I called an hour ago and the woman at the main desk said if we didn't receive an email that we didn't get in. :/ but congrats to everyone who did

Aw man, that sucks. Thanks for the update!

Aw too bad :(

I didn't get in. Oh well I have 3 prerequisites left so that's probably why. Maybe next time.

Did anyone who applied as a transfer through admissions also receive the email?

Anyone receive a letter in the mail yet? Whether it was an acceptance or rejection....

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