Reasons why you want to be a nurse

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing

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I thought it would be a good idea to make a thread about reasons why we want to be nurses. That way when we're struggling in our pre-reqs (especially those of us just starting out who have no idea what to expect) and wondering if we can handle everything we can read reminders of why we, ourselves, want to be nurses, and why others want to be nurses as well. I guess it will serve as a form of inspiration or motivation if needed.

Personally, I want to be a nurse because I have always been interested in the medical field and I have always wanted to have a career in which I change lives. In nursing, I could possibly even save lives. I absolutely love to help people, I think it is the most fulfilling thing in the world, and nursing will allow me to do this on a daily basis. Also, it provides endless job opportunities as well as endless opportunities to volunteer in my community.

Why do you want to be a nurse?

I worked in Social Services for five years until budget cuts hit IL and we got hit. WE, decided to no longer work for what they wanted to pay us. So, during this time, I started a family. I knew I had to back to school. I always wanted to go into nursing but honestly hated the idea of missing Christmas morning w/ my kids or Trick-or-Treating, school plays, football games etc....but, when I explained my concerns and interests to other nurses w/ children, I found that is not the case. So, I started looking into it and found that this is the best fit for me. One thing, w/ my old job, I worked Employment and Training for at-risk youth. Career asessments are my thing.

First off, when I was pregnant w/ my son, my husband and I split for a short time. -My hsbnd has a hard time growing up, lol- But, the whole summer was turmoil, and I wasn't sure I could go on. But, I couldn't take care of myself. No, job. Can't make a lot of money off a social work salary, and the jobs were scarce. Sure, there is child support, but you get a percentage of hub's check, not based on how many children you have. But, w/ a nursing job, I have job security, benefits, I can work hours that allow me to still be a good "kinda" at-home parent---

If I want to work p/t, I can. If I want to work F/T, I can. Best of all, there are a Billion different jobs out there for a nurse alone.

Logical/economic reasons as well as a sincere enjoyment i'd think working as a nurse.

Med school isn't an option for me at this point. I like the idea of getting in a career in 2 years as well.

I'm an LVN and a EMT-Basic. So naturally, I want to be an RN and a Paramedic.

As cliche as it may sound it's a calling for me, no matter what I do, I keep being pulled back to nursing. I tried changing majors at one point but I came right back to nursing. I remember one time in my early teens my grandmother telling me that I was so gentle with her legs (she suffers from blood clots) that if I ever became a nurse, she would let me be her nurse, and it was at that point that a light bulb went off for me, I realized then that being a nurse is what I was meant to be...and then a family friend who was a NICU nurse, came over one day and was telling us about this set of twins she had cared for for months and they were so fragile and premature when they were born, but that she was able to see them go home that day, and it was yet another light bulb, this is what I want to do, I want to be a NICU nurse.

That's why I'm applying to Nursing School!

I should have added to mine that another reason why I wanted to be a nurse was after having been in the hos. myself. That was when I really saw nurses in action and how amazing they are. Then, when I saw BOTH of my children in the hos. it really kicked me into gear. I saw how important it was to be a good nurse with a energetic, compassionate,and understanding attitude. When you have a loved one in the hos. it hurts and the experience is horrible enough w/o having a retchid nurse!

Nursing is about helping people...making a connection.

Although I don't have one of those cute little stories on how ever since they were little the wanted to be a nurse. Don't get me wrong I love hearing those!!! My story is a kinda stupid but here it is....

Last March I fell and broke my elbow...I was a really serious one, I ended up having surgery....It was a terrifying experience, it was my 1st broken bone and 1st surgery...I was sooo nervous....The admitting nurse was soo nice! She calmed me down and kept making me laugh!! I was in soo much pain but she made me feel at home. I survived my 1st surgery!! In recovery, I had an even nicer nurse. She was soo patient with me --I was so out of it-- The nurses there made you feel like you were one of their own! After the surgery I had Physical Therapy....I hated my Therapist!!! He was sooo gross!!!!! The nurse their was really nice ad was helping me most of the time, so I got through it. The therapist was not skilled enough and was way too full of himself. So now I wear Dyna splints at night and they have been helping me a lot! But I owe a lot of my gains to all of the nurses.

A few months ago I started volunteering at the hospital. I adore it!!!! I feel so at home at the hospital now!!!:balloons:

Financial security, work schedule flexibility, being in demand, financial security..oh I said that hihihi. And, I am bored to death at my office job and cannot imagine doing this in the next 35 years or's like I leave my brain at home when I go to work. I love being chalenged and learn new things.

Glina ~ you answered for me.

I start classes on the 27th & my brain is glad to go back to work! If I have to sit at a desk all day, staring at a computer screen any more... I think I'll scream.

I'd been trying to decide what to do & with my mom and sister both being nurses.... they helped. I've been working in an office for 10+ years (mainly accounting) & have my degree in business. I'm unsatisfied, unchallenged, unfulfilled & my job seems so meaningless! I want to make a difference!!!!

Ok, don't hang me for sounding like a cornball. Nursing, so far, feels like home. What I mean is there is only one other place that makes me feel that way and that is with my husband. A feeling of just being where I am supposed to be and doing what I am supposed to be doing. It is like all my life I have been trying on shoes that were too tight and hurt or trying on shoes that were too big causing me to trip. Nursing shoes fit JUST right.

My grandma has wanted me to be a nurse ever since i was little. i never thought i could be one because i was so squeamish but i've really gotten over it. i don't really like anything else but when i started reconsidering it my eyes lit up. i've done so much research and now i'm so excited to be starting classes.

also, the great pay and job security is a big plus

Specializes in Med surg, cardiac, case management.
Ok, don't hang me for sounding like a cornball. Nursing, so far, feels like home. What I mean is there is only one other place that makes me feel that way and that is with my husband. A feeling of just being where I am supposed to be and doing what I am supposed to be doing. It is like all my life I have been trying on shoes that were too tight and hurt or trying on shoes that were too big causing me to trip. Nursing shoes fit JUST right.

That's not cornball--that's a great reason to become a nurse! I'm becoming a nurse because I hope that it will prove to be the place where I fit best.

Specializes in Pediatrics, ICU, ED.

1. I want to help people.

2. There are dozens of opportunities.

3. Flexible hours.

4. I have always had an interest in the medical field.

That's why I want to be a nurse! ;)

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