How should I study for biology exam?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hi Everybody,

I have a biology exam tomorrow. I feel like I studied as much as I could. Should I continue to study? Or should I just wait to take exam? I don't know if I can remember it all but I don't know how else to study. I reviewed all my homework and lecture notes. I also took practice test offered on the books website. Should I study flashcards now? Or should I take a break. I have studied three days for approximately 6-8 hours, what more should I do? Or should I just think I am prepared and call it quits. Thanks for any advice.

You have put a great amount of effort already. Tomorrow do a quick review of the topics, skim over the concepts and then relax. Nothing is worse than an anxious brain, you can get a blank mind on exam day. So after doing that review just go do something relaxing, exercise, watch a movie, etc.

You will be more prepared on exam day this way. There is no more you can do, and cramming only works sometimes...

Specializes in Prior military RN/current ICU RN..

If you do not do well on the exam then you may need to evaluate how you study. No one here can tell you exactly how much studying you need as everyone is different. What you DO is you evaluate how the test goes. Look at what works and what does not work. That is as much a part of learning and school as is memorizing things. Self evaluation is something we should all do even as nurses. I constantly look at what goes right and what doesn't work well and then try to implement the parts that work. We are ALWAYS learning...however learning is only part of it..IMPLEMENTING is also very important.

I got 87% on the test, so I think my method of studying worked pretty good. I could probably fine tune it by studying flash cards and taking more pretests. Maybe I could read the chapters of the book more carefully too. Thank you both for the information.

Specializes in Prior military RN/current ICU RN..

Good work. Ups and downs are part of the process. I saw many people freak out or just up and quit nursing school due to one bad test. When I would get a grade I did not like I would try to remain calm and use it to motivate for the NEXT test. Also discuss with the professor where you went wrong and any suggestions. Just hit it hard and it will workout!

Yes I think I have to remember to hit it hard every test. And that is a good idea to talk to the Professor after the exam.

I got 87% on the test, so I think my method of studying worked pretty good. I could probably fine tune it by studying flash cards and taking more pretests. Maybe I could read the chapters of the book more carefully too. Thank you both for the information.

Visit the teacher in their office hours early in the semester, and frequently thereafter, if for no other reason so that they remember your face, know your name, and recognize that you're making a genuine effort to understand the material.

I'm in my last semester at a CC, and I plan to enter a BSN program next fall. An important habit that's helped me maintain straight A's has been to write down any ideas that occur to me as I'm studying. Likewise, I write down questions that occur to me as I'm studying (e.g. More often than not, you realize what you don't know when you study) because I will not remember them in the future. By writing down ideas, I can move onto more material and not bogged down by my idea, but still build upon that idea in the future. Similarly, I take questions that I've recorded while studying to ask my teachers during their office hours.

Thank you for the information it is very helpful.

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