Does Micro + Chem I = Death

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


This is my first time posting... But I've gotten to the point where none of my friends and family can help with this question... Do you guys think its wise to take micro and chem in the same semester? I'll be taking an American Studies class as well, but I wont be working so Im thinking it won't be as difficult trying balance them. I'm taking a full load with nutrition and APII this semester, are chem and micro significantly harder? Am I delusional?

I think chemistry is either you get it or you don't... Once it clicks it's easy... I'm taking them both this semester and doing really well so far... Just get a tutor if you need it for chemistry so you understand it well before moving to the next topic... It moves pretty fast and you need to know the things before in order to understand the rest...

Very true... don't just say oh well I'll just not learn this part and I'll study harder later because it was all building on top of each other

If you're comfortable with chemistry, you should be fine. I got an A in Chem 1 with very little studying because chemistry comes naturally to me. As long as you don't take more than 1 of the "big 3" (Anatomy, Physiology, and Micro) at the same time, then I think you're okay.

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