Considering Switching from Healthcare Adminstration to Nursing

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hi guys,

I'm new to the site, so hopefully I posted on the right forum. I have a question that I really need advise on. I'm currently pursuing a bachelors degree in healthcare administration but I have doing some research online and it seems like a lot of people are having a difficult time securing a position without any clinical experience which I don't have. I'm also not planning to get my MHA. So, I've been considering switching to nursing just for job security. I have a lot of caregiving experience so I definitely think I'll be able to do nursing. I just need some advise if it a good idea or not. I'm currently a junior supposed to graduate next summer.

Thank you!

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This is a decision only you can make, we cannot make it for you.

Just know you would have to invest a lot of time and money for nursing and that would probably leave you with a lot of debt for a job it sounds like you really do not want to do .


Most of my hospital administrators, except for the DON, did not have bedside/clinical experience. They had MBA's or MHA's. If you don't plan to continue for a Master's degree, then nursing may be better.

I know it's often done but I don't think nursing is a good profession to go into for job security. If you want to do healthcare administration, do it! Get your foot in the door of a great hospital in your area, an entry level position and work your way up. Does your school offers some type of internship for you guys, communicate/network with your professors, and ask them how to get your foot into the industry. A lot of times as students we have many resources at the tip of fingers and we don't use them, you pay for school..utilized the services. Good luck on which ever road you decide!

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