Nursing Students Pre-Nursing



I am currently enrolled in A&P II and I am finding it a bit more difficult than A&P I !

I managed to get a B+ in A&P I without much studying. But now I am suffering from it in part 2 because the content relies on my previous knowledge from A&PI and I also have poor study habits.

I am a stay at home mom to a newborn so I can only study at night when my husband comes home :/

Can anyone share some study tips on how to succeed this semester and refresh my knowledge of A&P I ?

Someone recommended quizlet... was that a big help?

Thank you for your time in advance!

I'm a SAHM to a 1 year old...I know how you feel! I haven't been to school in years so everything is needing "refreshed" ; p I look forward to seeing what tips others share. I take a&p 1 in the fall.

I'm in he same boat as you , I start nursing school in July and trying to pre study so I can

have an idea on what the teacher is talking about ?

I love youtube!!! Look up chapter lectures on youtube and watch. I have 3 children so quietly reading is hard for me. I go on youtube on my ipad and search for example "a&p II endoncrine", and viola! I especially love videos by Mandi Parker and AnatomyGMC since they use the same text book and generally the same outline with tons of examples. Plus, you could cuddle with your newborn while you watch the lecture :)

Best wishes to you!

I don't have kids, but was working more than 40 hours per week, plus 24 hour crisis line coverage for a full week every four weeks, so I hear you on having to squeeze studying in wherever you can. I found Khan Academy videos to be very, very helpful. There's an app for it, but you can also find their videos on YouTube and on their website. I got A's on all of my prereqs, and I always watched Khan Academy videos. I also found good lectures on iTunesU, and while I was vacuuming or driving to work or doing dishes or whatever, I listened to A&P lectures.

Specializes in Critical Care, Education.

Here's another great resource site Blausen Medical | Medical Animations It is actually a vendor that creates animations and visuals used in educational programs. They have a very reasonably priced app for tablets/smart phones also.

Disclosure: I have absolutely no personal connection to them and receive no benefit for this endorsement - :sarcastic:

Nursing educational curriculum is stratified - based upon the need to learn (recall & apply) skills and knowledge of previous courses. Cramming is not successful in the long run because it does not support long-term retention. Heck, just how many times do you want to have to learn those cranial nerves anyway?? Much better to do it once, right?

I Aced mine last term. Quizlet was a major part of my studing. But I also used Khan Academy. In fact, it was my major life saver. I was able to watch videos on my own time and repeat as needed Both are free. If you use the name of your book, or class, you might find stuff already in quizlet. Here is link about baby circulation right after birth.

I got a C in II. I got an A in I. I really struggled with II as well. My Grandpa also died during the semester and I was taking care of him. I would have made a B if I didn't have to rely on the average of my tests to get the grade for the 2 tests I had to miss that week he passed. That's a whole diff story though :no:. I do recommend youtube lectures, that is what helped me in I.

I started college when my twins were born. They will turn 5 in September! It was hard, but all of my time between them went to school.

Thank you all so much for the resources and advice! You have given me ideas to branch off from "traditional studying". Today I played a video of a lecture about the heart while I was preparing dinner!! It felt great!

I decided to cover 2 chapters each week (one from my current class and one from a&p 1). I also still have access to A+p 1 learn smarts as well! ( or those who are familiar with McGraw Hill textbook)

Thanks to you all, I am more motivated and have an open mind toward studying!


Kudos to you for doing this with a newborn! I am only twenty and find the nursing pre-reqs a lot to handle with 2 jobs!

I have tried a variety of study habits to do well with the A&P classes - I passes 1 & 2 both with A's, and I have to take advanced human physiology over the summer (which is tough!!!) in order for my credits to transfer to University I will be attending in the fall.


For me, I take detailed notes during class, come home and review. Then I read my textbook while taking separate notes as I skim back through my professors lecture notes or powerpoints. Make flash cards, watch youtube videos of animations and other professors lectures and study, study, study!

I will also look up other Universities practice quizzes online and study with those.

I keep my flash cards in my purse so when I am on break at work, at an appointment, sitting at a stop light, waiting for class to start etc, I can flip through those.

I will review quizlet every now and then when I am really struggling.

Best of luck to you!

Check out podcasts by Doc C. He is amazing and you can listen to them while you do other things. The podcasts are free and available on iTunes as well as other sites. He's got lectures on A&P I and II and he presents the information in a visual, memorable way. Hard to forget.

Also, has anatomy questions. For every question you answer correctly, it donates 10 grains of rice to the World Food Program. It doesn't sound like much, but it adds up quickly.

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