Accelerated Nursing Rutgers Camden

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on what exact degree you would hold if you completed the accelerated nursing program at Rutgers Camden? I assumed after completion of the program you would hold a BSN however as I was looking on the website I noticed it only refers to the program as an ABS with a major in nursing. Are these 2 things the same degree? I read another thread on here about students who had just completed their degree at Rutgers camden last year and the school was threatening to change it to a BS program with a certificate in nursing (which I understand to be different) so I am wondering if they did in fact change it for this year??

-They both sound the same but I want to be positive before applying that I would end with a BSN

Specializes in ICU.
I have thru my community college and they were very helpful.

Which community college offers it?

"more prestigious"??? Can you please define that statement? I have a BSN and would like to know other than as a marketing ploy how that degree is "more prestigious". And why would you claim a BSN if 1. you do not have a you would be lying. 2. If it is a "more prestigious" degree why would you want to claim a lowly BSN?

I'm sorry you didn't like my word choice, windsurfer8... I have never claimed to have a BSN, I am planning to start school in January for my BSN. The Rutgers degree is research oriented, and the degree from the former UMDNJ was not research oriented. Both grant you a "BSN" title upon graduation. Sorry to have offended you!

Specializes in Prior military RN/current ICU RN..

You told the person to say they had a BSN when they do not have a BSN. Because some person at the college states you "can say" you have a BSN is asking for serious trouble. You list the degree you have. You don't state BSN if you do not have a BSN. And you said it was "more prestigious"??? When I first read that I thought you were joking. Why would you say you have a BSN when the degree is "more prestigious?" I am asking a question.

Camden County College's Blackwood campus offers it.

I appreciate the information. I am going to apply to their program next year.

Specializes in ICU.

They have to be just trolling you lol

They have to be just trolling you lol

Bahhhhhh you're right!! Get back under your bridge, troll!

Camden County College

You 100% can NOT write "BSN" as your credentials when graduating with a "BS" majoring in nursing. Rutgers tried to switch our classes degree last minute to this , we started as UMDNJ ended as RU, but after lawyers/BON/etc became involved they had to give us the BSN we earned. The BSN is more clinically based, more hours on the floors, BS more theory /research based. When applying to grad schools, they are viewed equally. However, professionally, in the workforce, they want a BSN! Which the new Rutgers Camden accelerated Nursing program is not giving; it is an ABS program.

Ok thank you for breaking that down for me, I am looking at other BSN programs as well shan6802

Good luck!!! 👍 Im not trying to say one degree is better than the other. It's a matter of personal preference & what your long term plans are.

There is a lot my prereqs for the Rutger's accelerated program than other nursing programs.

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