CSULB EL-MSN Fall 2009--any applicants/ current students?

Nursing Students Post Graduate


Hi, everyone! I am getting ready to submit my application to CSULB's EL-MSN program--who else is applying?

Also are there any current students or graduates from this program out there? What do you think of the program--can you offer any advice?


I'm probably going to drive out there tomorrow, pm me your name and I'll check for you. I bet you could also just call. It seems she told the BSN's whether or not they were in over the phone.

So who was told that they were doing interviews--how did we end up with that confusion? Did Ms. Ward actually tell someone that interviews would be held?

just curious :)

I don't think CSULB ever held interview for El-Msn (no mention in application material), but apparently they were considering one this year.

At the info session, there was no mention of interview either. But in TEAS testing in January, Ms. Ward said that there would be an interview to test critical thinking.

It seems that CSULB will have interviews beginning with 2010 according to their new admissions policy posted on their website.

Did you people calculate points, too? I think she once said that about 8.5 was the cut line 2 years ago, but then that's 2 years ago. I have very good points except for big C (In Progress) in chemistry hanging over me :( (Funny thing is I'm getting over 100% right now thanks to extra credit)

CSUDH mailed decision yesterday (won't say how on the phone), so it's going to be a big day next couple of days.

Hi guys!

I was the one who said that there were going to be interviews... this was after Mona told me they were going to. From what it's looking like, they decided to make it easier on themselves and just do it by their point system. I was actually surprised to find that there were interviews because it seemed like they've used pt systems in the past and that's their preference. Oh well. I'm not sure how I mark on the pt scale, not too high I don't think but it's still worth checking. :D

Good luck everyone!

ps. Levoila, I think I'll take you up on that offer because I've been swamped at work and won't get a chance to satisfy my curiousity. Thanks! You're a doll! :D

DJC and LovinNP, I plan to go there tomorrow myself. I hesitated to offer my service because there is a chance that I might not make it, but if I do go, I'll be happy to check out for you, too

thanks, everybody, i'll try to pm levoila. i hope the best for all of us!

Thanks msnapplicant. I've asked levoila to check for me though. All the best to everyone!

Msnapplicant, I asked levoila too. Thanks for the offer though :D

I'm in! At last!

I hope you also get good news today!

msnapp are you planning to attend csulb

thanks leviola!!! she made the trip out to csulb to take this acceptance list picture.

wow I didn't know you could attach it here hahah

:ancong!: to everyone who's in!

Now I don't know what to do...CSUN A-BSN and finish August 2010+experience, then NP MSN or CSULB BSN/MSN +part-time work experience and transition into the post-master's NP certificate program without having to reapply or ask for more letters of rec or request more transcripts...ay ay ay!

That's really thoughtful of levoila. It didn't even occur to me.

I think I'll be going to csulb as I don't have much choice :imbar

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