Balance??anyone have a problem with it being in school

Nursing Students Post Graduate


I have such a hard time balancing, spending time with family, working full time, trying to go to church and a new adventure trying to lose weight. I am a person that when i study i have to study for hours at a time b/c i dont get it right away and usually spend my days off doing this and when i get home from work till about 9pm studying...any advice on how to do it all or at least some and still be ok??? HELP

i haven't read all the posts (sorry!) but what is the most important to you? what is your school schedule like? is it full time? some ideas might be to lighten your course load so that you can focus only on one course at a time. i know that most everyone has finance problems but are you going to school to obtain a higher payer job? do you need that money now? however it does sound like you have a job now.

you also have a family. families stick together. they are there for eachother. how does your family feel about your situation? but your right, you do want to spend time with your family.

you have a lot on your plate. try to prioritize the importance of each of the afore mentioned stressors and see how you could fit them in. [color=olive]what is the most important thing to you? this will be a hard decision to make. however, it is very important to get your sleep, eat as healthy as you can, and exercise when possible. i know that this is hard to do, but it can really make a difference in your stress level ad energy.

as i said earlier, i didn't read the other posts so if i duplicated please forgive me.

good luck johnson.

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