Kids Say the Darndest Things...

Specialties Pediatric


I was sharing with a coworker some of the sweet/sad/cute/charming things that my DD said while she had RSV as a toddler or was recovering from major surgery when she was 5. It got me to wondering what kinds of things you pedi nurses have heard.

1) When looking up at the bag of NS: "Daddy, where's the goldfish?"

2) Referring to her neurosurgeon as the "narrow surgeon."

3) When experiencing severe facial edema: "I just wanna take the mask off."

4) We'd explained that Bob the RT was there to help the sick kids... We'd ask, "What's Bob's job?" Her reply, "To help six kids."

5) When at her wit's end with discomfort and fed up with the whole experience: "I just want to break all their toys... and I'd laugh!"

6) After a few days with a Foley: (Very seriously) "Now I know where my pee comes out."


Please share some of the memorable things "your" kids have said.

Specializes in Reproductive & Public Health.
I know this is an old thread, but I had to add something funny I aw from one of our patients. She drew a picture of a horse for the nurses (currently on display at our nurses station), and after signing her name, she added in parenthesis "The appendix victim". So funny!

hahahahahaha!! i love that!

I am not a pedi nurse, but I will share one of my favorite stories about my dd. One night, out of the blue, she told me she didn't believe in the tooth fairy anymore. "Oh really?" I said. "Who do you think swaps your tooth for money, then?"

She thought for a moment, then replied, " I don't know. Probably just a normal fairy."


Specializes in Pedi.

Nearly every post I've made on this thread has been about the same kid. The other day when I was there, she told me she was going to ask me "some really hard math questions." She then proceeded to ask me "what's 5 + 4?" And when I answered "9", her eyes grew wide and she exclaimed "HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT?!?!?!"

I told another kid last week (7 yrs old) that I'd watched her favorite movie on my plane ride home a couple weeks ago. She said "what's my favorite movie?" "Frozen", I said, since she talked about it all the time and had dressed up as Elsa for her birthday earlier this year. She then told me that Frozen is no longer her favorite movie because it's "so last year."

Specializes in Pedi.

This is one of those it's really funny but when you think about it it's kind of sad things.

Yesterday I walk into a kid's house to access his port. This kid HATES me. He's 5. As soon as he sees me, he gets a sad look on his face and says "well I guess I'm not going to be playing with my Legos anytime soon." So hard not to laugh. And once we finished, he did immediately run off to his Legos.

Specializes in Haem/Onc.

Sorry for reviving an old thread, but it was making me giggle during a nice night shift, so if it gets some more responses from this, it would make me happy. :)

The one that sticks out most at the moment is one of my hem/onc kids at christmas who had a long conversation with me about reindeer food, and then about how we didn't want reindeer poo outside his cubicle, and finally what reindeer poo probably looks like (glittery apparently). I love working with kids!

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