Tidewater Community College-hopefuls application July 2014

Nursing Students School Programs


This is a new tread for anyone applying July 15, 2014 for TCC Nursing program.

Hi ladies! I am new to the site but I too applied to TCC for spring 2015 start. I have a 3.7 GPA and got a 90% on the hesi. I also made sure to check off all three cohorts just to make sure I upped my chances. My friend and I applied at the same time and we made sure to check the other's work because we were sooooo nervous! I didn't get in last semester to ODU's program, so I'm super nervous and anxious about getting turned down again.

Awesome grades! Good luck to you! :)

damn I feel like I have less, and less chance... my hesi wasn't good. my gpa is around the same. Oh Lord!

Yeah, Great GPA and HESI score.... Im really hoping they run the nights and weekend cohort. Its the only cohort I can do. If they run that cohort that means more people get accepted instead of just the norm dayshifts. Hopefully enough people check that cohort box. Fingers still crossed that I will even get accepted. Good Luck everyone again...

OMG!!!! Soooo 19 days left approximately for the letters. Good luck again, this is almost a reality.

19 days feels like foreverrrr!! Lol, but patience is virtue! :)

I checked that box too.

I have the lowest GPA so far, maybe not the lowest hesi but really it is going to be what it is going to be. Don't get to anxious. It is going to be ok. I bet you will make one heck of a nurse as long as your heart is in it. I wish my GPA was higher so I have a better chance.of getting into a school, but I Love nursing and I love my patients. Your heart and compassion will get you everywhere in this field. Don't be discouraged.

It would be awsome if we find out next week.

agreeee!!! but if not we only have around 14 days left.

I can't believe only 14 days left. I called today to see if they have figured out the night and weekend schedule and they said by next week they should have it figured out. I checked all the boxes so I'll take any schedule as long as I get accepted. So nerve wreaking waiting but as eyvis91 stated patience is a virtue.

Yes! I wish I would have just checked off the night program but I hesitated on that. But anyways I'm just praying for God's favor through this all!

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