Nursing Students School Programs


So I decided to start a thread for the Fall 2017. Any current/prospective student on here? What GPA did you have when you applied and how competitive is the selection process? If you don't mind sharing your work experience and GRE score, that will be awesome. For those who are enrolled, do you mind sharing your experience?

Hello, I was wondering if anyone has heard or have any insight on the quality of the program? I know Emory is a great school and their nursing program is wonderful. However, it was just so strange to me that they did not need LORs, essays, or interviews in their applications. Also, it is quite an expensive program and I would like to know more before making a decision. If anyone has any information, I would be very grateful :)

Hey guys!!

so the only red x I have left is for completed bachelors degree. Do I have to submit anything for that or will that just turn green since all my transcripts are submitted and checked off already


do I have to fill out and submit fafsa before I even receive a decision? Or can that be done after. Thanks :)

Hi emorynursing, sorry to bother but I was wondering if you could provide me some insight or tell me of your experiences with the BSN/MSN program? I was accepted to the program and just want more information before deciding. I saw your name pop up a few times in other forums regarding emory nursing. Thank you for being so helpful!

It should turn green automatically but if it stays red for a while, I would call and ask. I had a similar issue and it stayed red for over a month. I called and it turned out they made a mistake. They have since changed it but I haven't received a decision yet. I applied September 29th.

Hey guys!!

so the only red x I have left is for completed bachelors degree. Do I have to submit anything for that or will that just turn green since all my transcripts are submitted and checked off already

Has anyone receive an Emory email address yet? I'm trying to join the 2017 cohort FB page but I need an Emory email! Troubleshoot??

The FB cohort page just needs a facebook account. I created that group. Just search for EMORY ABSN/MSN Starting Summer 2017 Cohort.

Has anyone receive an Emory email address yet? I'm trying to join the 2017 cohort FB page but I need an Emory email! Troubleshoot??

Is anyone else still waiting on a decision? I am still waiting. I have all green x's. Applied September 29th. I have a 3.84 for my nursing pre-req GPA (including nutrition) and a 3.56 cumulative for my bachelors. GRE was waived. Do the notify you if you didn't get in or only if you are accepted/waitlisted?

For accepted students, I had a change and my OPUS shows my financial aid now. Not as much as I expected... has anyone else's come up?

@NPToBe1, same.... so I guess we're somehow expected to scramble to figure out how to cover the rest of the total cost for the summer session??

I'm wondering too as to where I can find the rest of the money to cover for tuition that is not private loan....

I was told that the Merit Based Scholarships will be released mid-January. I hope hat gives you some encouragement. I know I am trying to keep hope alive as well.

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