Aiken Tech Fall 2015 Hopefuls

Nursing Students School Programs


Anyone applying to Aiken Tech's nursing program for fall 2015 acceptance? If so how many merit points did you have? What is your GPA?

Hi. i have just completed the first semester. i got in with 30 points and a 3.6 GPA.

I have 36 points, 3.07 GPA. When I was finishing my bachelors, I had to withdraw due to a very nasty divorce and an out of state move. The classes were listed as a withdraw fail, so my GPA was really messed up considering it was for four classes. I am nervous. Are you applying to both programs, the RN and LPN , or just the RN?

may I ask, what are yours? I listed mine above.

I have 31 points and my gpa is a 3.5

I applied to both programs but if I don't get in to the RN program I think I'll just wait and try again in the spring. I'm sure you will get in with 36 points, great job!

from what I've read on this site, spring is easier to get into. I am speaking with admissions tomorrow to hand over the application. I never mail anything in, I'm too paranoid ! I am going to ask what the average points are this semester for applying. I think I am just nervous, but I am still worried about getting in regardless of the points. All my credits are transfers and it is only showing 36 credits transferred on the ATC portal and I have a four year degree, so needless to say that is very wrong. It also makes my GPA seem much lower than what it actually is. Perhaps it is still updating, I don't know.

I turned in my application as soon as grades for last semester went in. But from my understanding they look at your points before your GPA so I'm sure you will still do fine! I played with my grades right out of high school so my math and English points were second attempts which kinda hurt me on the application.

I honestly think its because most of my bachelors degree classes were very program specific and they do not have the equivalent courses. Which actually, that would raise my GPA, not lower it. GPA is important in that if you don't have at least a 3.0, you cannot apply to the program. Going back over it, I realize that I may have freaked myself out for no reason. I would pm you, but I cant yet. People get in with 31 all the time, so definitely don't count yourself out ! How old are you, if you don't mind me asking? I just turned 25.

I'm 21. From this site people didn't get in last fall with 31 points but they did in the spring. If I don't get in I've already registered for chemistry and history because they are needed for the BSN. I still have my fingers crossed anyway, it was worth a try lol.

Definitely ! It doesn't cost to apply. I had decided to finish my bachelors degree in healthcare management, but unlike they tell you in high school, you don't get a job because you have a degree. And the whole vets get good jobs once they are out? Also pretty much bs unless you have an in demand skill.I was a medic when I was in the army and I did enjoy it, so I decided I should rejoin the medical field.

That's great. If they tell you the average number of points people have, please let me know.

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