OCCC Nursing Fall 2017

U.S.A. Oklahoma


Hi everyone!

I know this is a bit far away, but I am going to be applying to OCCC's traditional nursing program next fall. My preference points look like they will be right on the line of getting in. I wouldn't mind applying for the spring, but I want to get in as soon as I can lol. I was thinking about taking a CNA course to get that extra preference point. Does anyone know where I could go to get that done, and how much it costs/time it takes?

Thanks in advance!

Awesome!!! You will make it in then. I would be extremely surprised if they don't go through at least 10 alternates.

Thanks! I hope so!!

Hello everyone! I have just found this page and thought I'd share and hopefully get some feedback. I applied for this fall semester with 13 points just to see where I would land in placement. I got my email back and was told I only had 12 points and I was the 34th alternate. I then emailed Mary Ann back about my points and she had told me it was a mistake and then fixed me back to 13 points and I am now the 11.5 alternate. This all happened on June 6th. I know it's still a ways up but I was very pleased to be 11.5 instead of 34!! Does anyone know the average amount of alternates they take? Good luck to everyone starting this semester!!

Hey! Idk if you saw the comments above but the exact same thing happened to Me! I may have misunderstood her because I thought she had said it hadn't happened to anyone else but in the context of my question I was specifically asking if anyone else was wedged in above me because I'm 3.5 (4); she said there wasnt . So I guess that might make you alternate 13 if noone else is between us. I was told top 15 have a fighting chance, but I have no idea about how many alternates have gone in in previous semesters. Wouldn't it be nice if all this info about previous semesters was just compiled and posted in one convenient location???

I have a coworker who started Fall of 2016 who had 12 points, was 40th on the waitlist, and still got in!

Hi! I just received my acceptance letter today. Apparently I had 17 points instead of 13.

Yes, I saw the comments before and that's why I was worried when she said yours was the only one wedged in! I'm hoping she just forgot about me and she really did fix my placement! Keeping my fingers crossed for us alternates but if not we will get in next semester without a doubt! :)

For sure! Well yeah when I asked the question what I really meant was "am I alternate 4 then or is there a 1.5, 1.75, etc." And I think that's how she answered it. I was just trying to get my "real" alternate number. Fingers crossed for next week!

Someone should make a Facebook group like the previous semester did so we can communicate easier about everything we need to get done before the semester starts :D I tried but it didn't work :/

Okay I made one called occc nursing fall 2017 lol idk I'd you guys can just search it or what

Thank you! :)

To find the group you just need to search "OCCC Nursing Fall 2017" and then click on the "Groups" tab

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