OCCC BADNAP Class of 2011

U.S.A. Oklahoma



I was just checking to see who all will be attending the OCCC BADNAP program starting this June. If you are, let me know~:)

Coolbeans. I didn't know if you did or not Val. Well, going over to a friends to pick up some textbooks. Can't wait until we are done.

take care,


OK, so i ran across this forum when searching for info on the BADNAP program. I read all 10pgs of your replies and I'm so happy for you guys. I could feel your excitement! LOL. Please keep this forum up to date, I would love to hear about you all's experience in the program. I grad from OU Sat. (whhhoooooohoooo!). I'm considering this program, I just have Micro left. Did anyone take it at OCCC? Best prof?

********. Some of her test questions were copy and paste from practice quizzes on the publisher's site. I had her for two days a week, unfortunately, we had lab twice a week before lecture. Lecture is boring. Lab is a pain. A lot of people showed up for lab but ditched class. She handed out powerpoints for every lecture as well as emailed them. If you follow the objectives, you will ace the class.

take care and congrats,


Thank you! And good luck with nursing school!

Thank you. I just want to get my pin and license. I have a HUGE support group comprising of Docs, nurses, RT, etc. My wife is a cardiac travel nurse currently out of town. I just picked up a ton of books from my buddy at work who graduated the program last Jan. He had 5 huge 3 ring binders full of powerpoints. Plus a few extra books he bought on the side for care plans, etc. Filled the trunk of my car. Should have brought the pickup (lol). Very nice guy. Our new circulating nurse.

They release apps for BADNAP for the next year around June or so. Good luck on your application. Get your stuff together early. Set up an appt. with Claire Echols and hand it in when Micro is done. It's an awesome feeling to beat the rush. I'm big about study groups. Hopefully I'll find three or four people where we can kick the opjectives out. It has worked very well in the past.

take care,


Lucky you! You sound like you have an excellent advantage going into your nursing career! I have none at all, besides a few distant classmates that went into the program and I haven't heard from since (probably really busy lol). I don't even know any nurses, Dr.'s, etc....I'm going in blind, but hopefully I get some pointers from this site!

I took it with Risinger and it was a cinch. He has lots of built in extra credit (10+ points) so it was really easy to make an A as long as you reviewed the info. I'd usually just go through the notes once before class.

See everyone Friday!

Oh...it's in room 215, not what it says on the paper. The office said they'd put up signs but just wanted to give you guys a heads up! :)

I'll be the one with the really long blonde hair lol

Thanks BeeDubs, hopefully it is a very large room for all of us. I'll be the one with the "Herman munster" lunch bag. I eat a lot or should say I snack all day. Healthy snacking. I need to pick up patches. T is home Memorial day weekend and can show me how to sew them on.

How many guys are going to be in class? Sound off!

take care,


Is anyone else nervous about Friday? I am prepared, but still nervous. I am excited to get a schedule so I can finally start getting organized! I need to know what days to put my daughter in daycare and stuff. The wait is driving me nuts!

Thank you. I just want to get my pin and license. I have a HUGE support group comprising of Docs, nurses, RT, etc. My wife is a cardiac travel nurse currently out of town. I just picked up a ton of books from my buddy at work who graduated the program last Jan. He had 5 huge 3 ring binders full of powerpoints. Plus a few extra books he bought on the side for care plans, etc. Filled the trunk of my car. Should have brought the pickup (lol). Very nice guy. Our new circulating nurse.

They release apps for BADNAP for the next year around June or so. Good luck on your application. Get your stuff together early. Set up an appt. with Claire Echols and hand it in when Micro is done. It's an awesome feeling to beat the rush. I'm big about study groups. Hopefully I'll find three or four people where we can kick the opjectives out. It has worked very well in the past.

take care,


It sounds like you will have a lot of help and encouragement getting through the program. You are very lucky to get those books from a friend. I ordered mine in March (I was very excited to get started) and I spent a fortune.

I also need to pick up a patch for my lab coat, order my name badge, and order the lab kits, which I was told cant be ordered too early. They said the order goes out on the 27th.

Good luck to all!

r1kk1, do you live in Norman? Maybe we can get together...

No. Actually a little south of Bridgecreek. About 19 miles west of Noman on Highway 9 and 76. You ought to see the 5 3 ring binders of .ppt's my buddy loaned me. Holy crap!

I'm on call for the weekends and will work Saturday for sure. I've held study groups at the farm in the past. I am totally wireless with DSL. I generally cook for the group. I have had study groups that resemble the movie The Paper Chase. Great, intense movie. I'm not nervous about Friday. I have a lot on my plate this year but I time manage extremely well.

Hollar if anyone wants to exchange cell numbers and information. This will NOT be a lone wolf approach to success. It takes a group of like minded individuals to succeed. The best part of groups is the background, thoughts, experiences, and past successes to the table. The diversity is what makes it really cool.

[email protected]

I also use skype, cell, and email.

take care,


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