What doctors do that bugs you...

Specialties Ob/Gyn


1. in our nursery, the charge nurse assists the pedi while rounding. there's this one pedi who will ask questions about a baby (was mom's gbs neg., etc.) as she is looking through his/her chart.

'uh....well....um... you've got the chart.'

i actually said this to her once. she said, in a somewhat irritated voice 'that's ok, i can look it up', i replied 'i don't mind looking it up, but you've got the chart.' :banghead:

2. obs who manhandle women's bottoms and then get mad at them when they aren't effective at pushing their babies out. you know, it's not just about pushing well, it's about being able to relax the muscles in your bottom at the same time. the woman relaxes in between, then as soon as another contraction comes, he begins poking, prodding and pulling - you can watch her tense and pull away from him, all the while trying her best to push, poor woman. i just want to shove him out of the way and apply a warm compress instead - way more effective. how about working with her body instead of against her.

is it just me, or does it seem like everything is going great, and then (some) obs gets there and mess it all up?

3. ob's who induce/section for no medical reason. :angryfire

4. obs who complain about the apgar scores. :nono:

(this especially bugs me when they fuss out loud to everyone in the room. just give the family a heads-up to sue why don't ya! :banghead: )

you want to give 'em, doc? then you sign your name to them!

5. doctors who are so macho that they will do the opposite of what a nurse suggests just because they can - regardless of what is best for the patient.

some of us get wise to this and use reverse psychology to get what we want. :rotfl:

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

I would go to a midwife for prenatal care if I could. However, I never had the opportunity when I was "low risk" and when I had my daughter, I was considered "high risk" for several reasons, so I was seeing an OB then. BUT believe me; midwives are very competent to deliver quality prenatal and well woman care to most women across the continuum from menarche to menopause and beyond. Why people would not see a midwife mystifies me, unless they are high risk or have a specific prejudice against them, I just can't understand it. They are wonderful!

i've been wondering how midwives are compared with md's. many nurses on my unit are pregnant and go to an ob group that has a midwife on staff. none of them want to see her or have her deliver their babies. i don't think it's anything personal, but they all feel more comfortable with the md's. i think it would be great. would you, or have you, had a midwife previously? just curious.

just as in any profession, there are good, bad and so-so midwives. do pick a good one.

i saw great midwifes for both my pregnancies and births (and for one miscarriage in between). they never spent less than 45 min. with me at a visit. both had realxed offices in their homes. they did all the stuff like at the ob's - b/p, weigh, dip urine, listen to baby, etc.. - but in a relaxed manner and with a more personal attitude.

the second one even had me write down what i ate for two weeks and looked over it to tell me where i needed to make changes in my diet. (this was for my twins - she said the quickest way to make a baby come out to soon is to feed him/them poorly!)

they brought oxygen and a bag & mask for baby and a mask for me to the births, as well as pitocin for im after if needed. i got scripts for the baby meds and methergine and had them on hand by 36 weeks, along with the birth kit i ordered and some other general supplies.

every thing was wonderful! i'd do it again if i was going to have more kids. the pnc was head and shoulders above any ob, and the midwives have far better birth stats than obs.

find me an ob with a less-than-5% c-section rate, a 1% epis rate, nothing worse than 2nd degree tears, and who will spend a minimum of 30 minutes with me per visit, and we'll talk.

Specializes in midwifery, NICU.
Docs that breathe and speak.

(No it wasn't a good day at C-section Land today lol)


Specializes in L&D,Wound Care, SNC.

stinking double post grrrrr

Specializes in L&D,Wound Care, SNC.

One more thing...we have an induction policy (for elective inductions) so we can try to avoid using all our labor rooms. If there aren't any spots available, one of our wonderful physicians has learned to say her patients are complaining of decreased fetal movement, and the "elective" becomes indicated, and we end up running like mad all day!


Our docs are notorious for looking at our board, if it is empty it is amazing how quickly patients get sent over from the office. I love the patient who is 39-40 weeks, who had one isolated elevated BP with no other symptoms who all of a sudden has PIH and must be induced today!:uhoh3:

our docs are notorious for looking at our board, if it is empty it is amazing how quickly patients get sent over from the office. i love the patient who is 39-40 weeks, who had one isolated elevated bp with no other symptoms who all of a sudden has pih and must be induced today!:uhoh3:

this does place us between a rock and a hard place.

i guess all we nurses can do is to mutter the vs out loud as you take them, or make a joke about drs. offices making her bp go up, and say her pressure is fine now, and then just chart your assessment findings as they are. at least your charting won't perpetuate the lie.

i find that the powers that be will hardly do anything to offend a doc. we need them because we need their patients. (at least in the smaller hospitals)

Specializes in Ortho/Neuro.
We had a doc that "popped off" 7 times. Baby was severely injured due to his negligence. I heard the baby was having uncontrollable seizures and i'm not sure what else. But it was really bad. I heard the case was going to court but not sure of the outcome.

It makes you wonder why sometimes they're so quick to call a section(even if mom doesn't need one), then the same doc will do a delivery like this and cause unnecessary injury to a baby?????:nono:

I saw one like this in school. You should've seen that poor baby's head! :sniff:

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

I have worked w/a physician for 7 years now that drives me nuts. She is just like Jekyl and Hyde. One minute, sweetness and light---the next, watch out, she is going for the throat and you are her prime target. And she treats nightshift like idiots/morons/jerks. She yells at us, berates us, and is quite profane at times.

I , personally, finally shut her down about 3 years ago, by telling her I did not need her profanity and verbal abuse and all I want from her is to know what she needs so we can "get on with it". She stopped yelling midsentence, and gave me what she needed and we hung up.

Another night nurse I used to work with shut her down even better by saying : "OK, OK, DR____ You're right; I'm wrong, big woop. Can we go on from here now?!" Worked like a charm. I had to stifle a laugh when I heard her say that.....

Since then, this dr. never gives me a hard time, nor did she that nurse. But she still does say some horrible and mean things to other staff. She is so adept at "flying under the radar" with her zingers------says just enough not to get herself in trouble w/admin. and sadly, is so good at what she does, that she nearly is always right in her assessments or pointing out our mistakes.

It comes down to this: she clearly hates and is burnt-out doing OB, hates being woken up at night by staff/hospital calls, and is a generally miserable person at least 1/2 the time (the other half, Dr Jekyl kicks in and you can't get her out, she is so chatty and cheery). It's weird and scary for most of us to observe. I bet outside the hospital she is a great gal......she seems so.

BUT I HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE working with HERRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! She puts the "aggressive" in passive-aggressive.

What really toasts my tushie is this: If this were a NURSE doing and saying these things, she would have LONG AGO been terminated. This is what makes me most angry at times....

Ok vent over...

blech. Now I feel better.

i have worked w/a physician for 7 years now that drives me nuts. she is just like jekyl and hyde. one minute, sweetness and light---the next, watch out, she is going for the throat and you are her prime target.

...it comes down to this: she clearly hates and is burnt-out doing ob, hates being woken up at night by staff/hospital calls, and is a generally miserable person at least 1/2 the time (the other half, dr jekyl kicks in and you can't get her out, she is so chatty and cheery). it's weird and scary for most of us to observe. i bet outside the hospital she is a great gal......she seems so.

ok vent over...

blech. now i feel better.

perhaps she's bipolar, or perhaps she's just miserable, burned-out and taking it out on those around her. i've worked with doctors like her before. you hate to have to call them or round with them because - as forest says about his box of chocolates - you never know what you're going to get. :confused:

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

I have considered for years that it is quite possible she is bipolar. I have learned you have to take the proverbial bull by the horns and be very direct with her, as well as non-emotional, and set some boundaries. It's the only way to deal with people like this. But they wear on you, you know? And if she is bipolar, she should be on meds, not abusing everyone around her.

But like I said, half of what bugs me about this, is all of us staff have the same complaints w/this one dr. We have vocalized them on many occasions with our manager. To no avail, of course.

If this were a nurse causing such misery in others, she would be SO GONE yesterday. It's so unfair.

Specializes in LDRP.

How about walking into the room, knowing fully they are going to do something like SVE or AROM, but don't shut the door behind them as they walk in?

the lady could have her bottom half out for display so you can AROM her, but the door's open-we might not hear someone come in until its too late!

docs who stitch tears or do circs without numbing first.

obs who insist breastfeeding mothers go home after 24 hours when their babies are 48 hr. stays.

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