L&D cover letter question

Specialties Ob/Gyn


Is it a good idea or bad one to state that you plan on becoming a CNM on your L&D cover letter?

Specializes in Mother Baby & pre-hospital EMS.

RNCoastiewife is correct. :)

Thank you for your input.

I would not say that I was planning to become a CNM. It takes a lot of time and resources to train an OB nurse, and it can be frustrating to invest so much only to have that person move on. I would, instead, focus on your nursing future: becoming certified in inpatient obstetrics, obtaining a certification in childbirth education or lactation consultant, perhaps becoming a clinical nurse specialist, etc. (Not that you should give up your plans to become a CNM, but I wouldn't advertise that when applying for a job. And who knows? you could change your mind- I know I did ;-)

Thank u, hushy. That's all very good, I could say that in interviews when asked what I plan on doing in the future. They seem to always ask that.

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