AP2 Straighterline Help!!!

Nursing Students Online Learning


Hi AN! Should I take AP2 with Straighterline. I have been raking my brain over going with straighterline or taking AP2 at my local CC insight on the Straighterline course for AP2 would be extremely helpful .

Thanks in advance... Sorry if this is too long!

A little background on me. I planing on going to enroll in nursing school in the Fall. My school is partnerd with SL. I have 3 pre-recs left (AP2, Miro, College Algebra) Miro i am going to take with Straighterline b/c my CC only offers it at the farthest of their three locations. Math I will take online with my CC.

My only real concern is if I should take AP2 with SL or my local CC. I took AP1 at my CC during a 5-week summer course. I failed it The pace was too fast. Then I took it again in a 16-week semester and passed it. ( I am not naturally strong in math and science I have to try really hard ! I also currently have a 16 month old. Mind you I was enrolled in AP1 "again" when my child was 4 days old and passed the course a my CC. I am no stranger to had work but again I really have to try at math and science and I used a recorder and listened to the lectures on my ipod). I would love to take AP2 with my same old teacher. I am scared to take AP2 b/c the teacher I took part 1 with is not teaching part 2 this semester, and I don't want to wait a year to apply to nursing school. Another teacher I don't know is available that had gotten great reviews on rate my professor, but still I do not know her. Would Straighterline work for me?

Science is harder to teach cause there is so much information and professors only care about meeting deadlines so the student gets left out. If you are the type of person who learns on your own self pace then online alternative is the better option.

Straighterline is a good option if you want a cheaper alternative to completing pre-requiste classes. Make sure your school accepts those classes though. Most colleges want the courses from an accredited college. So be sure and double check.

If I were you, I would go for Straighterline cause you save on commute, gas, transportation money. It is cheaper and it is self paced so you don't have to deal with pressure of getting assignments done within 16 weeks. Students learn on their own pace which can be a benefit for you.

If you have some money on the side, also try Portage Learning courses. You don't get financial aid but they are self paced courses, no books and no proctor.

I took it with SL and got an A. It's really not that hard. Unfortunately, my school doesn't accept credits from SL.

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