Enforcement Review TX BON

Nurses Criminal


I am graduating nursing school in December. I submitted a declaratory form with all supporting documents of dismissal and paid to register for the NCLEX...then I received a letter a few days later from the TX BON. It stated that I had to pay $150 for my case to be reviewed by the enforcement department. I took the money order to the offices and handed it in myself. The woman there said it would take a minimum of four months to review the case. I am sick because I wanted to start my job and the place I want to work will start new grads off in Feb. If the four month time frame, (at the minimum), is true...I guess I will just have to wait. :crying2:

The charges were for Violating a Protective Order, compliments of a rocky marriage to say the least. They were misdemeanors and they were dismissed. I am just praying that the process maybe wont take so long. Has anyone ever experienced a more favorable time frame with the TX BON for enforcement review? :uhoh3:

OK, today I talked to the enforcement department and I found out who my investigator was. I was told that my case was getting recommended and had to get signed by the case mangers and was told me to call back in two weeks. Just an update.

Thanks for the update! What does it mean when you get recommended? That your license will be clear and good to go?

Sorry for the late response. No. When the TBON is trying to make recommendation, they are trying to see if you will have to undergo professional evaluations to see if you would be a risk to the public. They have about 6 categories and 2 components. The recommendation help them decide what type of restriction will be apply to a license or if the petitioner will be denied.

I want to start out by saying I wish everyone great a success and do not give up. Well my recommendation was to undergo forensic psychology evaluation with a polygraph component. I read alot of blogs that say just say no if ever asked to under a forensic evaluation with an polygraph. I almost said no and I was almost convinced that this was a way for them to deny me. It was very scary, time consuming, costly and stressful all at the same time, meanwhile I was having thoughts on changing degree plans. I could not shake the thought of what I have read in blog. I did not get a lawyer. I decided to move forward with it and chance it, therefor I received my letter of eligibility to sit for the RN-NCLEX with no restriction. As long as you are straight up with them, being honest all the way around everything should go fine.

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